New Horizons Computer Learning Centers are offering Open enrollment Application class coupons for only $160. Each class normally costs $250 catalog price. This is a 2 week promotion. Minimum: 15 Pack - $2,500 This package works well for agents in an office looking to team up, prepurchase a tota
There are no unimportant jobs, no unimportant people. Every person has something important to offer... and now is the time to find out what that is ... and tap into those resources. In contrast to the OLD way of thinking of work, where it was all about taking orders, in the NEW way of thinking o
Sounds familiar. We have all experienced this, or will experience this before we die. Jesus died for me and you, and now during Easter we can reflect on this death. See what it means for each person. And being in Real Estate, I can relate it to this "debt" I mention. Jesus paid a price for my
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Edison said, "If you did everything you were capable of doing, you would literally astonish yourself." "The human spirit is never finished when it is defeated. It is finished when it surrenders." Ben Stein, professor and author The legendary sales trainer Tom Hopkins says, "Every dollar you earn
So 2 months ago, I receive an offer on a listing for $100K less than the asking price. Today, my buyers puts in an offer on a bank home listing being listed by the same agent that presented the offer to me 2 months ago. What a coincidence? Yes, maybe not. So I call the agent before I present
I feel leaping forward 1 hour has thrown me off. Who makes the decision when daylight savings begins anyway? I never really understood that. I was somewhat unprepared, but I'm sure 1 less hour of sleep won't kill me. How about you AR family? How are you adjusting today? I feel more tired th
Just when you think you've thought of everything you can possibly secure on a server, a hacker comes along who finds yet another way to hack into one of your servers. If you're unsure of whether you've secured everything on a server, or if you aren't sure of even where to start, check out the new
Great article about getting past the gatekeeper...Remember - everyone struggles with this during cold and warm calls! "Don't Slay the Dragon; Recruit Him" At your next sales meeting, ask thereps to draw a picture that captures their feeling about administrative assistants. Chances are, you'll
Microsoft built into Windows Vista several new features designed to make all types of searches quicker and easier than in previous versions of Windows. But in many cases, you don't have time to experiment with and configure these options - you just need to find the file, and fast. Because Vista i