A. Passive - No Web presence and no publication of email addresses. Only used as information source.B. Active - Proactive implementation of ongoing plan for creating and maintaining an online image.eMarketing Plans - Ever changing, well documented, why emarketing is necessary? Provide data & b
Which one do you need to work on.....?1. Undedicated Time - It takes time to build a good relationship both personally and professionally.2. People need validation - people NEED to feel loved and respected, appreciated, accepted, and useful. 3. Communication or lack of - schedule in your calen
1. Establishing a Firm Directiona. Maintain a Clear Visionb. Establish a Positive Culture inwardly and outwardlyc. Be Decisive in your actions 2. Building Relationshipsa. Lead by exampleb. Foster Innovation with creativityc. Instill Discipline in your dai
A. The Directive Approach to coaching1. Clear, direct orders2. Deliver action plan3. Logic, company rules, standards4. Implemented fairly5. Used rarelyB. The Confrontational Approach to coaching1. Correct unwanted behavior2. Address it directly3. Point ou
Because it:Improves coaching skill.Provides Effective communication.Helps Focus intently to identify problemsIncreases Hearing, understanding, interpreting, confirming abilities. How?1. Pay attention to nonverbal messages, 2. Ask Questions, and 3. check for understandingInspires p
Objectively assess against measurable criteria assures the coachee of the coach's commitment.a. Personally observe the employee on the job. This is the best way to evaluate actual performance.b. Review previous performance appraisals to determine if the employee is meeting expectations
1. Establishing the Coaching Relationship a. Observe Performance Before Beginning to Coach b. Initiate the Coaching Relationship 2. Conducting the Initial Coaching Conversation a. Practice Active Listening Skills b. Dete
There are three negotiating styles. Good negotiators can be all three, depending on areas of leverage. Use these styles as needed; watch for them being used on you.•· Relationship-driven style•· Fact-driven style•· Adversarial styleRelationship-driven styleYou are going to h
In recognizing the time to close you need to watch your customer. Needless to say, value needs to have been created first but some customers may know they need your product before you open your mouth. You close too early (value has not been created or objections have not been overcome) you lose t
StepPurposeActionExampleAcknowledgeReassure that the concern is validEmpathizeI can appreciate that. I understand how you feel. (I'm sorry you feel that way.)ClarifyUnderstand the concernAsk open-ended questionsListenCould you explain further?Could you tell me why you feel that and why?DiscussEdu