Finding the Best Rate Mortgage is a great goal to go along with the goal of finding the best home at the best price too. I have heard that people spend 8 months looking for a home online and I bet that they spend at least a month looking for their mortgage too. If you are looking for Best Rate M
If you really want to find buyers, you need to search for them where they are searching! Why not look for buyers by searching on and Here's what I am talking about. Go on one of these job sites and see who is hiring and then put on your best outfit and get your be
Are you getting any good buyers? Over the last several weeks, it seems like the buyers I am seeing are a lot worse than normal. So, how can we find some good buyers?? Here are some ideas: 1) If you live in the Carolinas, let's take an HR Manager to lunch! Let's sell them on our team appr
How big is your Sphere of Influence? In my travels this week, the theme of the "direct referral" was repeated by many successful realtors. They were telling me that the direct referral is the key to getting the better clients. Getting propects while on call or from your advertising comes in f
Decorate your yard signs for more pizazz! Decorating your signs will get more attention and help set you apart from the pack of realtors. Maybe your office could adopt a "new signature look"? Anyway, in addition to this quick tip, here's what I would do and I am sure many of you do when you get
Do you know your numbers? Originally Posted in May 2008. Occasionally, I try to do a quick sanity test to see how I am doing with my career and if there are any things I could be doing differently. It helps me get focused and it also is a good stress reliever too. Here's a good exercise that yo
Why not distribute some of your marketing material in waiting rooms throughout town with some MLS information like a copy of the Real Estate Weekly or the Real Estate Book? Since people are waiting to meet their doctor, etc., this information is going to be a great use of their time instead of l
Here are some tips that might help the next time you are on call! Your goal at this point is to get them in your office, period. Don't tell too much; just enough to spark their interest. This is your first soft close! Get better at this and you are going to sell a lot more houses this year. G
I re-listened to Dr. Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" while driving in my car this weekend and thought I would share this thought with you. First, I have a question. Who do you call if you need a doctor, a plumber, a lawyer, a pest control pers
From the best selling book, Who Moved My Cheese? is a great lesson for everyone in recognizing the need for change and in accepting it and moving with it. The book, written by Spencer Johnson, M. D. is a story about 2 mice, Sniff and Scurry and 2 little people, Hem and Haw and how they reacted w