David Williams's (lowdavey) Blog

Real Estate Agent - SanDiegoSeller.com
Here are several precautions that should help you avoid being "taken" by a foreclosure scam artist:Don't sign any papers you don't fully understand. Make sure you get all "promises" in writing. Beware of any contract of sale of loan assumption where you are not formally released from liability fo...
After reading a blog here on AR from someone who was thinking of giving up on the blogging idea, I am reminded of my single days in chat rooms. I have never been a fast typer but somehow I managed to keep up. After several horror stories and the same old routine for nearly a year, I almost gave u...
The recently read an article that points out that the percentage of consumers using discount brokerages has increased from 2% to 11% in just a few years. The new trend of buyer discount firms that offer to just do the paperwork and don't actually show you any houses (the listing agent shows the h...
What is up with all these new advertising supported sites to post homes For Sale By Owner? My question is how is this different than every other site on the internet allowing posting of classified advertising?   My guess is that you are better off with an ad on craigslist if you are selling FSBO....
I've having a hard time finding a decently priced mass emailer to send 6,000 addresses that I have aquired over the years. I've used this free trial but have gotten minimal results: Atomic Mail Sender (AMS) is a flexible direct mail delivering and newsletter sending program with HTML mass email s...
I WANTED TO GET SOME ADVISE ON AN EMAIL I RECEIVED STATING:What is the best type of advertising?  Everyone knows this – it's word-of-mouth.  And where does word-of-mouth come from?  The people who have done business with you (past clients), the people who know you well (family and friends), and t...
Sellers are offering perks like car leases and granite countertops to drum up interest. If that fails, they may try to sell for less than they owe on the home. Margot Ray, a radio-ad saleswoman in Stockton, Calif., put her five-bedroom, three-bath house on the market in February for $480,000. The...

David Williams

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