Lou Ludwig Blog

Education & Training - Ludwig & Associates
Mastering Yourself Becomes True Power“Knowing others is intelligence,Knowing yourself is true wisdom;Mastering others is strength;Mastering yourself is true power.”Lao Tzu 604 – 531 BC, Ancient Chinese, Philosopher and Poet  As I see it. . . . . . . .Mastering yourself become true power . . . . T...
Talent is Never Enough “Talent is never enough. With few exceptions the best players are the hardest workers.”Magic Johnson American Retired Professional Basketball  As I see it . . . . . . . . Talent is never enough You can see it in sports as well as in the business world. The most success peop...
Your Next Opportunity May Be Disguised As Hard Work “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work,so most people don’t recognize them.”Ann Landers, Syndicated Advise Columnist   As I see it. . . . . . . .Your next opportunity may be disguised as hard work The opportunities are there for you ....
Focus on Your Mission“Focus on your mission . . . .  and you’refocusing on your success.”Lou Ludwig Sales and Management Consultant,Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author  As I see it . . . . . . . .  Your light shines the brightest when . . . .  you focus it on your mission. Develop a clear ...
Planning for Your Future“The best time for planning for your future . . . . and for your tomorrows is today. When you plan today you will invest your time today in your future success.Lou Ludwig Sales and Management Consultant,Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author  As I see it . . . . . . . ...
Happiness Comes . . . . From Within “Happiness comes when you believe in what you’redoing, know what you’re doing, and love what you are doing”Brian Tracy Canadian Born America MotivationalPublic Speaker and Self-Development  As I see it . . . . . . .Happiness comes . . . . from within It’s impor...
A Person With Hope . . . . Has Everything“A person with hope . . . . has everything. They have internal optimism for their future . . . . and in turn they have everything within their reach.Lou Ludwig Sales and Management Consultant,Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author   As  I see it . . . ...
Great Opportunities Start As a Spark“The greatest of journeys start with fanning the spark of opportunities . . . . and turning a spark into your life’s purpose.Lou Ludwig Sales and Management Consultant,Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author  As I see it . . . . . . . . Great opportunities s...
Turn A Maybe . . . . Into A Yes I Can“Drop maybe . . . . like a bad habit.”Lou Ludwig Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author  As I see it . . . . . . . .Turn a maybe . . . . Into a yes I can Maybe your business will get better . . . . and maybe it won’t. Maybe...
Continuous Learning Is Not Compulsory“Moving into future without knowledge is like leaving on a cross country road trip without directions. The trip will become . . . . one of wandering and drifting without any clear purpose or direction.Lou Ludwig Sales and Management Consultant,Success Coach, S...

Lou Ludwig

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