Blogging with Carla - Lorain County, OHIO REALTOR

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  Sales Statisticsfor LORAIN County OH Realist's most recent sale date for this county is 10/13/2010  Single Family Residence  Time Period Number of Sales Median Sale Price   Aug 2010 220 $140,000   Aug 2009 243 $148,000   Jul 2010 154 $137,400   Jul 2009 243 $138,000   2010 YTD 1,830 $136,550   ...
Want to enjoy a murder mystery dinner theatre benefit to help our homeless animals that are in dire need of adoption? More and more animals are being abandoned due to our economic crisis, so I ask for your help in promoting this Animal Rescue Dinner Theatre Fund Raiser, "Dial F for Friendship". D...
Here's in celebration of another GREAT way to energize & unstress from a crazy real estate day - and in case you don't have plans, you can always listen & dance to this clip a friend sent to me from YouTube.      It's a collection from several movies, all to the music of "footloose".  You can't h...
The first day of autumn was September 22nd - where outdoor enthusiasts look forward to the changing of colors. The foliage season begins in September for most northern states and can stretch on into November for southern states. Many people equate the spring season as a time for cleaning & cleari...
Two prominent Northeast Ohio REALTORS were murdered in separate incidents recently, that are currently under investigation. Plus there was another incident that involved yet another Youngstown REALTOR that was held at gunpoint by three males for over an hour. Hard to believe there are those out t...
Another wonderful event in Lorain County: Fun times for all this weekend at the Harvest Festival in Wellington. Fresh Produce Market, Food Concession Stands, Fall Flowers and Mums, Hay Maze, Petting Zoo, Face Painting, Balloon Animals, Kids Carnival Games with a huge pumpkin patch. What's not to ...
I was given this diet by a friend who needed to lose weight before a surgery. It claims one can lose up to 52 pounds in 2 1/2 months, but I wonder just how "safe" it is for those not having any surgeries - just wanting to lose. Has anyone heard of this or have any thoughts? Breakfast: 1/2 grapefr...
Sellers - this post is for you! Please read below what a quick fix here and there can do to help get that SOLD sign in your yard! This is an excellent post that I wanted to share with my readers and followers here on activerain.I show houses all the time that could garner a lot more interest and ...
Just wanted to share these tips and tricks regarding how to use Google Images in your blog that I found from another activerainer here, with permission to re-blog.Using Google Images in Your Blog.  Not all images that are returned via a google search are OK to use due to copyright.  But there is ...
I am still shivering over the sounds of coyotes outside my window tonite. Sometimes being on 11 acres can be down right scary. I'm sitting here, enjoying the quiet evening, it's cool, windows open, my 2 puppies are asleep near me...then comes the eerie cries of coyotes, right outside my wiindow. ...

Carla Harbert

RE/MAX Omega: Lorain-Medina County Area
smartphone(440) 309-5209
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