Rachel has a informative post on how to stage a home. I do like her point about making sure the furniture fits the size of the room.So you have a listing and it needs to be staged which includes renting furniture. There's no time to waste you have to move quickly because chances are they wanted ...
Hooray for The Marines! I was very happy to hear that they are doing a Toys for Tots drive in Seattle. "And what better way to give back to your community than by enriching the life (or lives) of our future business leaders, doctors, school teachers, musicians, and professional athletes?"Toys fo...
Hello Everyone, In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I've decided to re-blog Seana's post. Feeding the hungry with food from your own back yard is a great idea that I hope will catch on.Feed the hungry with the food growing right in our own back yards! Over the weekend I volunteered for a great organiz...
I did a little reaserch and found a lot of fun facts sourrounding Thanksgiving. Here are some you may not have heard of. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! 1. The author of Mary Had a Little Lamb ( Sara Hale) was credited as the person most responsible for making Thanksgiving a U.S. National Holiday. 2. ...
Lower prices and interest rates in the third quarter of 2011 contributed to an improvement in housing affordability for California home buyers. The percentage of home buyers who could afford to purchase a median-priced home in California rose to 52 percent in the third quarter of 2011, up...
Real estate auctions are interesting, usually there is a reserve price so a lot of people get brought in by a low advertised price and then get caught up in the excitement of it all and pay much more than they had anticipated or budgeted for. Well just recently six people including two l...
This is not the kind of thing that I would normally choose to re blog. However, you really must look at how horrid this staircase is. Just looking at it makes sick. haha My wife has worked as a hair dresser all over the world, luckily this place isn't on the list. Apparently these hairy stairs ar...
The Old Globe Christmas Tree Lighting will kick off the holiday season in conjunction with San Diego's favorite holiday musical, Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! This is a this free event and will be held on November 21st at 6pm at the Old Globe Copley Plaza in Balboa Park.
I want to say thanks to Jon for his post today about defining moments in our life and how they should not be taken for granted. I try to find at least one thing to be thankful for everyday and hope that you do as well. :) Defining moments Every day we awake, it’s a new day. By nature, humans are...
To Honor all our Veterans I've compiled a list of restaurants that are giving free meal and or discounts to Veterans. "It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. " Applebee’s – free meal, Friday, Nov. 11: Last year, Applebee’s served 1,024,000 million free meals to m...