Found this on AR today and decided it needed to be re posted. I really enjoy all of Tim Burton's films. If you live near LA be sure to check out this free screening of Alice in Wonderland. If you are a big Tim Burton fan, then you will not want to miss out on the Tim Burton’s Free Film Screenin...
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. ~William Arthur Ward Here are 6 things I'm grateful for in my life. I would love to yours as well. 1. I am thankful for my family. 2. I am thankful for my health. 3. I am thankful for being surrounded by so m...
Elizabeth has a good point that I wanted to share with my fellow AR friends. I think we all need to remember to spend time with friends who are not in real estate. It helps us not get burned out.I am a workaholic and tend to talk to my peers and clients only. Not because I don't have other friend...
Good Morning everyone. I liked Stephanie's post today. It serves as a good reminder for those of you that have kids in school. Safety First!It's that time of year again. Kids are headed back to school in the Bryan-College Station area. If you have school-age children, it's a good time to set th...
I decided to re blod Dave's post today. It has some good tips that I feel we can all use. I still need to make my Core 100 list.5 things you can do TODAY to jump start your Real Estate Career. Being a small broker (7 agents in our office) I see how easy it is for new, and sometimes experienced, a...
Hello AR Friends. This morning I found a very good post from Noemi. It got me to thinking about my fears and if they are always justifiable or not. I hope you enjoy it as well. Have a great week.Sometimes we feel certain that we know exactly what we’re seeing. If you’re anything like me, odds a...
Here is a good reminder to help prevent crime in our homes. Please take a moment to read and hopfully stop any burglers from entering your home. Have a great weekend. Crime prevention is defined as the anticipation, recognition and assessment of crime risk and the initiation of some sort of acti...
Happy Friday AR friends! This is a good post that I wanted to share with you. I think we have all had to deal with buyers not being able to see properties that they like becuase of sellers not making their home available.I have a client who has wanted to see a home that was on the market but was ...
Amanda's post got me thinking about all the times I've heard unprofessional voicemails. I may have even been guilty of this in the past. It's a important lesson for all of us.Most of us acknowledge our name, company we work for and some type of greeting behind it on our voicemail’s. I have reache...
Good morning AR freinds. Karen has posted an informative post on how to find out who your subscribers are. Please take moment to read it. Thanks Karen.I wrote a blog last night with regard to thanking folks who subscribe to your blog. Well, that post led to several people asking exactly how on...