Know thy audience. Answer a need. Call to action. Fear of loss is greater than benefits gained. These are the basic rules of marketing we tend to follow. These rules work for this age group: NOT this age group and there's scientific research to prove it. Dr. Laura Carstensen, a psychology P
I don't think it ever hit the endangered species list. Today marks the day the pink flamingo lawn ornament seases to be in production. No more new pink flamingos will be created. Since the discovery of this rare animal in 1957, 20 million of them have graced homeowners lawns across America. Thei
From Mark Allen, CEO of the Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors:Buyer and seller activity are both down relative to 2005 for the week ending October 21. The record number of past year sales continues to haunt today's market and in response, sellers have scaled back new listings to 7 percent
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Seller, You've invited me into your home to talk with you about what should be done to get your home on the market. I have some suggestions for you I'll break into three different categories. The first category are things that simply must be done to make the house "sellable". T
I've worked so hard to surround myself with positive knowledge people, I've had my head in the sand. Seems there are a number of writers in the blogosphere that have an opinion about the real estate market, and are playing much better chicken littles than most of the media I've read. For example,
If you've worked with clients in their "Golden" years, you know that, in general, they need more from their REALTOR than just selling a house. When you’ve got a house with 30+ years of stuff, it takes a village to move a senior. I have a Golden Rolodex I couldn’t live without. These are people
Jim Buchta from the Minneapolis Star and Tribune wrote a great article in today's paper. While Jim recognizes the nationwide slow down in housing, he isn't an alarmist. He clearly states that the housing market in the Minneapolis Metro area is slow, but not nearly as bad as many of the national
I did a post this morning about Realtors needing to be great teachers. While doing the research for the blog, I found some Quotes about Teachers, that apply perfectly to REALTORs. I hope these cause you to pause and remember how important a role you play in people's lives. Have a fantastic day
As REALTORS® we spend a large amount of time educating consumers. We talk about current market conditions at open houses and with friends, we educate our clients on their rights, and the home buying/selling process, we constantly challenge national information broadcasted by the media because it
Our Active Rain community is chuck full of examples of what we hope all REALTORS® would aspire to be. There are many examples and personal stories that reflect the standards with which REALTORS® should be expected to run their business. Below are just a few examples of where the bar should be