There was a blog this morning from Jeff Belonger about networking with other people who have a good source of referrals. I was at a networking meeting this morning, so his article was timely! For the past 4 years I have focused on building a business that serves seniors. This means for the pas
One of the objections I often hear from elder clients about moving is: "I own my house. I can't afford a monthly payment!" It may be a mistake to think that staying put is cheaper on a month-to-month basis than either purchasing a new home or renting. It's DEFINETELY a mistake to think because th
As a REALTOR it makes me proud that Minnesota has one of the largest rates of homeownership (76%). When I bought my first house in 1998 my Realtor told me I didn't want my monthly payment to be over 30 percent of my monthly salary. She encouraged me to closely examine what I would be paying per
Moving is hard. Objections are to be expected. However, It's important to note that the objections you hear may not be the REAL objections. "I have too much stuff" might actually translate to "I'm scared". The decision to move often involves many people; the elder, the family and perhaps friend
I just finished up a transaction with what I consider to be an exemplary real estate agent. Negotiations were tough and we went back and forth for a few days. But his model behavior was consistent all the way through. What a pleasure. Your behavior has an impact on how well you are able to nego
Tomorrow is the big day. Mid-term general elections. I'll be so thankful when I no longer have to hear all those negative messages on TV and the radio. While I believe in democracy and free speech, I get so damn mad when I think about all of the money that is spent on campaigning; most of it neg
I am a Grey's Anatomy junkie. I have been since the first episode, and haven't missed one yet! The last episode tackled the issue of commitment. There is a difference between just showing up, and being really committed. One of the characters on the show compared it to be Ham or Eggs. The Chick
At this point in the process you've gone through the property pretty thoroughly with your Realtor. You may have noticed things that were not working, or that caused you some concern. Bring them up when you negotiate the purchase agreement. This is the time to get 99% of the details ironed out.
The politicians have been taking a lot of airwave time, whether it's commercials, or news time. Recently in Minnesota, Judi Dutcher, the DFL lieutenant governor candidate was caught on camera while campaigning in rural Minnesota without clue-one of what E-85 is. E-85 is a motor fuel made from cor
During a class I taught this week at the Minneapolis Association of Realtors, I started the class with a couple of jokes. However, I asked the class first if it was OK (which I wouldn't normally have done, but due to events of the last week, it seemed the right thing to do). Jokes often push th