As a real estate agent who lives and works in Minneapolis, I like to play sociologist--look at what is happening around me and think about how it will impact our local real estate market. This morning I found a potential doozy. The Minneapolis Star Tribune published an article about the protected
Find someone who has been successful, and do what they do.What does Target have to do with selling your house? Everything. Target has heavenly marketing mojo that we in the real estate business need to rob and duplicate! If you're selling your home, you're in the real estate business. Let me draw
When I start working with a first time home buyer, I like to schedule an initial meeting to go over common questions like: How long will it take me to buy a home, How do I know I won't pay too much?, I've been to 5 open houses, and I haven't seen anything I like, How do I know how much I can spen
Curious to see what the Minneapolis St. Paul Real Estate Market has done over the last year? See this post on the last year's real estate statistics for Minneapolis, St. Paul and surrounding suburbs. This report report is a great way for you to get a feel for what's happening in your local real
It's here already, although you'd never know it by the weather. I have memories of growing up wearing easter dresses and romping around outside. This year I'm donning long underwear and a long black winter coat!Happy Easter!Depsite the cold weather, and despite media reports about a crummy real e
Yesterday I wrote about Helping a Senior Move Part I, this is the second chapter, and I'm sure there will be many more! I just received a phone call from my senior client who, two days ago had decided he wanted to move back home. Over the last couple of days he has had some important discussion
About 2 months ago I received a phone call from my website to list an elderly gentleman's home. This gentleman was scheduled to have surgery, spend some time recovering in rehabilitation, then move to an assisted living community. Today, he's been in his new home for about 1 1/2 weeks. He called
Broker Bryant wrote about finding your passion. Teresa Boardman wrote about blogging being one big experiment. I must, therefore, have a very passionate experiment. My passion is working with seniors. I've chosen to dedicate the majority of my time working with seniors and their families durin
Because I'm in the real estate business, it means I am also in the referral business. I've written about my golden rolodex at the Real Sage Advice Blog. I take the business of making referrals to my clients very seriously. There are rules I live by when I make referrals i) it must be someone w
I am continually amazed at the number of Real Estate Agents who do not have websites. When I need to find information, I , go to the internet. I do not go to print ads, look through my mail, or to the yellow pages. I am an older Generation Xer so if I'm doing it, I know the rest of my cohort is