Current real estate activity in Marrero LA: 255 homes are actively listed for sale in Marrero High list price $1,995,000 Low list price $19,900 Average list price $162,399 Median list price $139,000 82 homes are pending sale or under contract, priced from $16,900 to $349,000 Based on the number o
Current real estate activity in Harvey LA:All data supplied by GSREIN and is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed 175 actively listed homes for sale in Harvey High list price $535,000 Low list price $30,000 Average list price $181,317 Median list price $149,900 72 homes are pending sale or under c
I truly didn't think our own goverment could screw up a disaster response any worse than the way Katrina was handled. I was wrong. Press conference with Plaquemines Parish President on May 23, 2010. Give 'em hell, Billy.
If you’ve visited our site in the last week or so, I’m sure that you noticed some things have changed. After a major meltdown in how everything was displaying and many late nights spent rewriting, rearranging and repairing…West Bank Living now has a fresh look and a few new features. We made so
Once again, I missed the opening of the 2010 summer concerts at the farmer’s market in Westwego. One day, I’ll get it together and be there for the first one, but in the meantime there is a great line up of fun and music scheduled all the way into July. My favorite moment of the 2009 series was w
You won’t find many homes in this neighborhood that have the updates and finishes like 2524 Delta Pointe does. Freshly painted on the interior and with an easy care brick and vinyl exterior, it’s move in ready. $152,900 Built in 1996 by Mitchell Homes, the Baton Rouge floor plan is open and flows
There is nothing more disheartening to a home buyer or seller than to have a dispute arise right before closing about what is actually included in the sale of a house. Usually, this comes up during the final walk through when the buyer discovers that an item they thought was part of the contract
Current real estate activity in Terrytown and Gretna LA: 157 homes are currently listed for sale High list price $850,000 Low list price $24,900 Average list price $211,790 Median list price $173,500 61 homes are pending sale or under contract, priced from $32,400 to $329,000 Based on the number
Current real estate activity in Gretna LA: 51 homes are currently for sale High list price $409,000 Low list price $44,900 Average list price $153,500 Median list price $134,000 19 homes are under contract or pending sale, priced from $37,500 to $275,500 Based on the number of April sales (6), th
In New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast, we take for granted easy access to fresh fish and seafood. We take for granted that we are home to many species that are reliant on the condition of our coastal waters and wetlands to survive. We take all of this for granted until they are threatened by