Everyone: It hasn't been the easiest of days, but a plan is in place beginning tomorrow for Bruce to receive additional treatment to fight an infection that manifested yesterday. Meanwhile, know that he is still hanging in here and anxious to receive the benefits from continued treatment.Dr. Ada...
On Nov 11th, 1996, two complete strangers, over 2,500 miles a part, found themselves facing a drab, dreary rainy day alone and bored out of their gourds. Due to the rain he couldn't play golf and she canceled a canoe trip.As the rain continued to fall, they perused magazines, read the newspaper a...
Many of you know my husband, Bruce Bourgault, on AR. He is an exceptional person, my hero and the best mortgage banker you will ever encounter AND active AR blogger. He is also facing laryngeal cancer again after several months in facing invasive surgery on Sep.5th.I am his wife/...
American Home Mortgage (AHM) was hammered last week and this week they are belly-up in the market. What does that mean "locally" in Hawaii? Twenty plus loan officers and support personnel are without work (income and benefits). This is a horrific situation locally and on the mainland. One of the ...