When you are looking at homes to purchase, note: your credit score is a major factor that will be considered by the lender when they review your loan application. They want to know what your credit history is and whether you have the ability to pay back the loan you are requesting. At least tha
You may or may not know this but Topsail Island has some absoulutely great food in local restaurants. Of course seafood is usually a good choice as it is fresh and these people sure know how to cook it. Some great ones include but are not limited to: Daddy Macs, located at 108 N Shore Drive, Sur
It's funny that two years ago no one could have ever convinced me that I would ever acquire a taste for red wine. I enjoyed a glass of white wine or desert wine maybe four times a year but no red. I have found recently that one glass of red wine in the evening after a stressful day, helps me g
Mark your calendar and make plans to be at the Holly Festival, sponsored by the Holly Ridge parks and recreation committee on November 1st, 2008. The day long festival kicks off with the holiday parade at 9:00 am along sound road in Holly Ridge, NC. a artisan village with many of the talented a
As I've submitted in previous blogs, I am the listing partner of the Rand Burchfield Real Estate Group. Our team is working very long hours each week to insure we are prepared for the market when it returns. This includes classes, certifications by the members, and new marketing ideas. Bob is w
A few of the agents in the office REALLY enjoy Ron White from the Blue Collar Comedy network. Kathy learned he was going to be performing in Charleston this weekend so luckily for the office Ron White fans, she secured tickets. We left Topsail Island Friday and arrived in Charleston later that
I never saw myself as a blogger. This is what my college aged children do...me? That was before I joined the Rand Burchfield Real Estate group and Coldwell Banker. Our team leader is a firm believer in marketing and any avenue of marketing should be implemented. ...so here I am trying hard to
Just learned today our office listed and pended several properties during the month of August! Wow, this is great news. Our team has had the phones ringing substantially more than recently much of this I believe is due to the IVR system we have implemented. This and many other marketing ideas t