Colorado Lender

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Mortgage and Lending - Fairway Independent Mortgage, LLS. Equal Housing Opportunity. Regulated by the Division of Real Estate. - NMLS257576
No matter where you are in the Lifetime Home Cycle:first time buyer, investment or move up buyer, or ready for your FOREVER home, the LifetimeLender Team of Fairway Independent Mortgage is here to guide you every step of the way.
I have recently posted several stories about the desire of millennials wanting to become homebuyers. Then today I came across this video of a millennial's first day on the job. I laughed. Then I stopped. Then I wondered. Then I worried. You see when an underwriter reviews a file for loan review, ...
Have you ever researched someone on LinkedIn, then reached out to a 2nd generation connection to inquire about the “in common” connection only to be told they really don’t know them?  Happens to me all the time, making me wonder  if that would be the same response they would give someone else abo...
It wasn't long ago we were reading statistics that showed most young people preferred to rent and NOT own. They had watched too many of their friends and family go through the foreclosure nightmare caused typically from a down market. Even though we've survived that bubble, NAR's 2017 Home Buyer ...
It seeems these days almost every social media newsfeed is offering a free tool to enhance your photo, even YOU look better (without using the "miracle dab it on your eyes and you are suddenly young again" cream!)To be honest, I don't have a high res, zoom a million miles lens. Just my IPhone. An...
Listing Houses for Sale & Why Realtors need to Start Embracing Snapchat In early 2017, both Forbes Magazine and the National Association of Realtors announced that at least 35% of new home buyers in 2016, could be identified as first-time home buyers. There is only one problem. While factors such...
It always amazes me how many people have no idea what a Gold Star Mom is. Or Gold Star Wife, Dad, Brother, Son for that matter. Too be honest, I didn't either until about a year ago, when I met Becky Woods Johnson. Her story literally ripped through my heart, and is one that certainly will touch ...
Buying a home is just as much mental preparation as it is financial. Once you’ve made up your mind that you are going to buy that home you’ve always dreamed of, you’re going to need to start getting all your financial documents in order, so you don’t begin your home search with misconceptions and...
I'm back in the Rain, and trying to catch up with the new and remember the old! I ran across this post from 2014, and wondering if it's still current, or if there is a blog with more current info?? I remember there used to be a minimum word count to get points for blogs and comments (which I've a...
The Thunderbirds arrived Monday and started making their practice fly overs for the Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony scheduled for Wednesday, May 24th. As I ran out to grab a quick bite for lunch, I was immediately reminded of their presence. Not only because of the rumbling, but also becaus...
I was "showered" on with reasons to be back in the rain last night! But the weather had nothing to do with it... a perfectly wonderful Colorado evening to sit outside with friends and take it all in! I recognized and remembered some. Some recognized me. We heard and told stories. Shared tips and ...

Ruth Vogt

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