There are a lot of mixed feelings at present about the Feds decision to stand behind the two largest mortgage holders in the secondary market. Secondary market refers to the business entities which purchase mortgage paper from primary lenders, like your bank. Purchasing these mortgages, usually
According to the National Association of Realtors, existing home sales increased nationwide in May as buyers finally began to take advantage of the lower home prices. Foreclosures and short sales, no doubt, influenced this increased activity in the market. Actual numbers vary from region to reg
Will your listing appraise for the value on the sales contract? Will that appraisal pass mortgage underwriting? With tighter mortgage industry guidelines, thoroughly check comparable sales to support your list price BEFORE you put it on the market. The usual factors like location, size, and qu
Interest rates are low; incentives for buyers are abundant, property values in the Charlotte Area market have increase in spite of national news. So, where are the buyers? Opportunities for instant equity are plentiful. What is driving the reluctance or fear to take advantage of these market c
In my last blog post, we talked about selling your home in a challenged market, as many are experiencing today. When such a climate exist, it requires us to do things a little more intentionally than usual, unless of course, we are in a position to put the home on the market for significantly le
Do what the other sellers aren't willing to do. Are we in a challenged market right now in North Carolina, and our own Charlotte market? Sure we are. But it is not near as bad as in other areas of the country, or as bad as some of you may remember from the late 70's. We had double digit infl
Underwriting rules are being modified just as quickly as mid-day rate prices. Compensating factors and exceptions for income, debt ratio, credit or down-payment that used to be the "norm" may still be listed in investor's guidelines, but are unlikely to pass underwriting. Automated underwriting
Conventional (using 250K as amt) 30 yr fixed 6.25% 15 yr fixed 5.625%
Time For Fence Sitters to Jump OffInventories are beginning to drop with builders in the area and sales are starting to improve. Why is this coming about when the press still talks doom and gloom? Market forces. Interest rates have showed signs of creeping up an little bit, and when inventorie
Retirement Isn't What It Used To BeThe AARP has released some very interesting statistics on retirement plans of the current labor force.I think these stats are a great indication of why the profession of Real Estate Agency makes so much sense for many who may be thinking of a career change, or s