Financial Deregulation: Our Failed 30 Year Experiment. Financial deregulation taken to the extreme creates extreme greed and extreme risk taking by the unsuspecting middle class. The inevitable crash of the deregulation bubble caused a reduction of the middle class and a recession / depression...
How about a draft system for congress? Just like jury duty when your numbers up you serve for 4 years and the government pays you a salary equal to what you reported on the prior year's taxes with a minimum. Your job is guaranteed and you're done af...ter 4 years so you don't have much time to be...
Do you know what the Glass-Steaglle Act was? You should, we are all paying for it now. Our entire population will suffer at some level because of the unregulated high risk mortgage loan practices of this decade because Glass-Steaglle was repealed in 1999. As a result, we will all suffer from our ...
Old Real Estate Model Requires Bypass Surgery... A Tummy tuck and a face lift will not cut it. I am so tired of hearing real estate professionals say, "We need to work on our image, convince the public it is a great time to buy and prove to them we are worth our commission." They want to keep pum...
Giving Away 20-50% Of Your Income To Your Broker Is So Last Century! In the era of reduced real estate commission real estate agents are looking to maximize their net income on each sale. With the advent of the internet and new high tech, low cost business models the average commission has falle...
Close and Consolidate: The New Reality of Real Estate; Consumers Won't Continue to Subsidize InefficiencyCendant Corporation -- which owns Coldwell Banker, Century 21, ERA and Sotheby's real estate brands - announced plans in 2006 to close and consolidate offices to slash $50 million in costs at ...
Large beautiful real estate offices are tombstone monuments to last century's business model. They are unnecessary overhead that do not add value to the sale process.Most agents found sitting in an office are the 80% group which sells less than 6 homes a year. The top producers (who make 80% of t...
09/03/2007 - Realtors - A Full Service Discount Real Estate Broker.We Will List Your Home In MLS & for only $500 and Sell Your Home For As Low As 2%! Includes Full Service. Does anyone pay more to sale their home aymore?Anyone who pays more than 4% to a real estate broker to sale ...