I posted on my Facebook page last night this very question, what is your favorite candy? It was one of the most fun topics that has been debated in a long time. I will tell you now that all of my faves are in this picture above along with the most loved by my kiddos. In order of favorites are: C...
Is your child going to CMS (Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools) this coming Fall? If they are, here is the official Assignment map directly from their website for the 2010-2011 school year. With so many schools in the Charlotte Mecklenburg School System and things changing all the time, it is importan...
Bill hit the nail on the head with this wonderful information on short sales. There are so many things that people just do not understand. Understanding Short Sale Transactions | A Guide to Short Sale Facts & Myths ...
Today was a special day for me. I love taking out buyers to find the perfect home. I am ecstatic when a seller gets to close on their home. I love it when I get a call from a fellow agent with a referral. It is a special day when I get a call from a past client telling me that they are having a b...
Are you prepared for your Child to go Back to School this Fall? I know that some of the year round schools have started or will this week, but for the vast majority of the Union County Public Schools, August 25 is still a little bit away and we have time to get things done. As a real estate agent...
I made my 5 year old daughter a promise this morning that so far I have been able to keep. I can tell you another thing, this school year has snuck up and started on your Union county, NCreal estate agent. Yesterday I was running around making sure that my Kindergarten-er had everything to start ...
TEXTING has become an increasingly quick, easy, and convenient way for many to communicate in this fast-paced world these days. As each month goes by, more and more clients of mine decide to 'shoot me a text' with a quick answer, or they ask me to do the same. Now as convenient as this is, ...
Oh so true! Buyers must be prequalified these days or it is a waste of their time too.I was reading several blogs this morning and the one Judi Barrett with Integrity Real Estate wrote on Homebuyers needing to get qualified: " Home Buyers, Please Don't be Offended... Just get Pre-Qualified. " stu...
Almost 3 years ago our real estate team started showing clients homes that were being built in the brand new community Fieldstone Farm in Indian Trail, NC. At that time the sales agents were promisin that a Resident's Club with full ammenities would be built during the summer. The buyers were al...
I started having clients buy in Fieldstone Farm in Indian Trail, NC over 2 years ago. The first homes were built with huge promises of a wonderful Resident's Club being built that very Summer. Well here it is 2 years later and the ammenities are all in! Was it worth the wait? I would have to answ...