Image by mjp* via Flickr Market stats for Lilburn, December, 2010, indicates that there are 379 properties on the market (as of December 31st). Overall, there is about a 10.9 month supply of properties. Lilburn is actually mid-pack among cities in Gwinnett County. The Absorption Rates had been
Even if you don't live around Atlanta, you'd have to be hiding under a rock not to have heard about our weather this week. It has been pretty wild. Snow and Ice... We got ice, followed by snow... followed by ice. Then melt and refreeze. Lots of ice. That is one of the primary differences betw
Image via Wikipedia I was working over the market data for Gwinnett County, GA... outside of Atlanta. And the numbers were a bit surprising. They were good... Almost across the board... Why am I not excited? I want to be excited. I want to shout to the world that Gwinnett County's real estat
Image via Wikipedia Mystery attracts, right? That mysterious woman or man has an allure because of the unknown qualities they may possess. You don't know their background or their motivation. And so, the coolest possibilities are projected upon them. But is that the case in real estate? Two y
Image via Wikipedia I will admit that I am a transplanted Northerner. I grew up in Michigan (and Virginia)... and moved here from Minnesota, 21 years ago. After 6 winters in MN, I learned a few things about driving in the snow... and after 21 years here in Georgia, I learned a few more things.
Image via Wikipedia Here are the final numbers for Gwinnett County Home sales for November, 2010. At the end of November, 2010, there were 6,017 homes on the market in Gwinnett County, GA. As usual, we have a drop off in listings during the Holiday Season. November listings were down from Octo
Image by Chad Horwedel via Flickr Son, you're going to drive me to drinkin' if you don't stop drivin' that Hot Rod Lincoln. Back before World War II, the hottest, most powerful cars were luxury cars. Cadillac and Lincoln were in a power war with 8 cylinder, 12 cylinder and finally 16 cylinder
Image by thinkpanama via Flickr We'll see how well I peg this. Lane's Predictions for 2011... Looking back over the last year or two in real estate market reports, there are a few things that have been jumping out at me. For over two years I have been hearing about the millions of homes in "Shad
Testing his fear of heights... This is the new thing. Each Friday, I will feature a photo. Many will be local. Some may be real estate related. Others will be definately not local, and might not be related to real estate. Cars, people, vacation, homes, garages, tools... fun times. Just abou
This post was to appear yesterday, but was pre-empted. I am presenting it today. Sorry for the delay. Image via Wikipedia Two years ago I got a bug in my bonnet because it didn't seem like I was seeing enough pictures for new listings. A couple of months prior, one of our local Multiple Listing