Less than 10 days from now, Atlanta will have its second rebarcamp event. If you haven't been to one of the rebarcamp (rebc) events around the country, you REALLY need to change that. rebc events are billed as the "unconference". Unlike a traditional conference, there aren't a bunch of vendors
Those of us that live in the Atlanta Metro area are all pretty familiar with Buckhead. And I have lived here for a little over 22 years... but I have a connection that goes back WAY before that. I lost my father in 1997, and he never lived here... but he did visit Buckhead... LONG ago. He visi
But what about social networking? A few days ago I posted that (in my humble opinion) real estate blogs should be about real estate... not movie reviews, restaurant reviews, not recipes... Real estate. That is what the audience is tuning in for, give them what they want. I gave a few examples
Image via Wikipedia I have been blogging about real estate since 2008... so over three years. I can say proudly that I have a few thousand posts. Of those, there are a lot that were NOT about real estate, but that appeared on my real estate blog. Some were about cars (I just started a car blo
It is NO secret around here that I am a Car Guy. I guess that would be why I am THE Garage Guy, too. For the last 4+ years one thing I have had NO problem being transparent about is my love of things automotive. Here on this blog, as well as my blog, LaneBailey.com, and my website, GarageHomes
Image by lane.bailey via Flickr I have been pulling Gwinnett County Real Estate Market Data, and I'm not done with it yet. But, I have been seeing a few things. Listings are down markedly from where they would normally be. This can be either a positive or negative, depending on your outlook. O
Image by lane.bailey via Flickr Kind of odd that for a "Wayback" post I would talk about an upcoming car show... But the show happens around the first Saturday in May each year... and so THIS Saturday is the day. Smokerise Baptist Church is having their 11th Annual Smokerise Car Show on Saturda
Image via Wikipedia Dear Builder, I've NEVER had a buyer client tell me that they thought the garage was too big. Granted, most of my buyers are "car people", so the deck is a bit stacked, but not all of them are. In fact, I've had clients with little interest in cars... and they still wanted
Cover of Royal Wedding Are you "Royal Wedding"ed out yet? Honestly, I was a bit over it a week ago. I appreciate the historic significance of the event, but knowing what type of diapers Kate and William wore as infants and interviews with people that saw them in the hallways at grade school is
I have been busy over on my other blog, plugging away writing 6 posts a week... And I have been working on this series for about a year. There are only 3 more to go (L = Roman Numeral 50). Come on over and see what I'm up to over there... Image via Wikipedia I previously wrote about a diesel-ele