Lake Anna VA Real Estate Specialist (540) 226-1964 - Kate Elim

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Real Estate Agent - Dockside Realty - VA 0225142975
REALTOR, real estate, sales, selling homes, buyer representation, waterfront, Lake Anna, Virginia, resort property, lake,
Many of the homes at Lake Anna are owned by people living in other areas. It is very possible that the market is hotter in some of these areas which can give the owners a scewed idea of the value of their lake property. Thinking that our market is getting multiple offers within days or even hours...
I actually need a cell phone. Mine fell about two stories yesterday and suffered cosiderable damage as you can imagine. However, I was told there is a super company in Fredericksburg where I might be able to get it repaired. The company is named Rocket Repair so I'm going to try to see if I can g...
A Lake Anna treat for your grandchildren...Now what could that be?One of the nicest things you can do for your grandchildren is to provide them with a spot to getaway and have some fun. Lake Anna fits the bill for many grandparents and grandchildren. Through the years I have sold properties to ma...
Super chance to own a waterfront home at Lake Anna for under $500,000. Yes, that's right. Here's a home with approximately 200 feet of waterfront on the widest, deepest part of the public (main) lake. It is seldom that you will have an opportunity to find something like this. Yes, the house needs...
A while ago my husband suffered a stroke. My focus on real estate shifted somewhat. As much as I love representing buyers I have found that working with sellers a bit more enables me to work from my home office more of the time. My husband is no longer able to drive. As he is at home more I tend ...
I was especially excited when I saw that Judy Collins would be appearing at the Louisa Arts Center this coming December. This woman's voice is special. No wonder she won a Grammy. If you think like I do you will want to purchase your tickets as soon as possible.  Luckily this is not the only spec...
Oh no...I'm not going there again! A couple of nights ago I was up to my old tricks. It seems that without any prior planning I was setting myself up for a marathon night writing and commenting on Active Rain.At some point I looked at my watch and it was 3:48 in the morning. I was wide awake. I w...
Kids learn from parents...and parents learn from kids. When we moved to Lake Anna my real estate license was inactive. I was busy playing golf and working with an architect designing a home for my husband and myself. Life was good.A short time later one of my sons and his wife decided they were r...
Talked myself right out of a Lake Anna listing...and it was so easy. Explaining the how and why will not be difficult either.This is the house:TOO LATE TO BUY THIS ONE! Now why in the word would I let a listing like this one go by? Well, honesty played a part.When I met with the owners they expla...
Getting back in the groove takes a bit of discipline and some down time. The later is a result of vacationing at the beach. The past year has been a busy one. Spending 18 days in the hospital over a six month period along with surgery and time out while taking care of my husband following his str...

Kate Elim

Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
smartphone(540) 226-1964
smartphone(540) 226-1964
Contact The Author
Kathleen "Kate" Elim
Dockside Realty
4634 Courthouse Road
Mineral , VA , 23117 United States

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