Okay, we know Jeremy Blanton and other hardworking RAINER staff members are WORKING on this horrible SPAM ISSUE, but now it is starting to get ridiculous! I am expecting Zombies to come busting in any moment looking to eat my brain & get a loan modification! Clearly they have a great hardship a
After reading the FEATURED blogs the last couple of weeks or so...I have been disappointed, happy, eager, discouraged, and every other emotion that I can/cannot think of right now! That said, I truly believe that if you are going to AUTHOR A BLOG, especially a Contraversial one, then you should
Okay, today the preverbial "Straw that broke the camels back" hit me...so here is why, and my advice to the "Ruling Class" out there! Folks- Forcing things, threatening, having your Manager call, or just plain being a Bull in a China Shop no longer works today! All it does it create more proble
Home of Susie the Duck, the cozy little bedroom town of Lodi Wisconsin is located just north of Madison, Wisconsin. Lake Wisconsin to Gibralter Rock, the natural landscape surrounding Lodi affords beautiful views to the hiker or biker. (of any type) Right across the Lake is Devils Head Ski & Gol
Well, within the last 72 hours, I have had 2 SUCCESSFUL appraisals fall within the HVCC guidelines! They have both been delivered at/or above the purchase price, and we are "ROLLING ROLLING ROLLING!" I thought with ALL THE NEGATIVE publicity it has been getting, I would give the HVCC some soli
A while ago, I did a blog on the new mascot for Active Rain, and I officially named him BLOGGIE! Well, Bloggie met with mixed emotions....so, I gave some thought to quitting the Mortgage Business and going to Mascot School myself, and...as of now, STILL have not decided on that career path yet!
Here is a cut & paste of PART of the announcement on the USDA website here in the Dairyland State of Wisconsin! Please note that the numbers I will list below are "staggering" because last year, in the State of Wisconsin, $257 million dollars worth of USDA loans were done! As evidenced below, AL
This is a very CRITICAL UPDATE and anyone using the USDA loan, or if you KNOW of someone using USDA loans, please pass this blog link along, or RE-BLOG it to your sphere!! I have included at the bottom of the BLOG, the entire list of loan coordinators within the United States of America! Email
I thought about my blog long and hard since last week...I originally published it with the statement listed below, but for some, that wasnt good enough...Sooo...contrary to my thinking, I decided to pull it, or take it down. This was VERY discouraging to me, because in the end all I was trying t
Hello! It's Bucky again! In the past I have done blogs on making a GOLF outing work for you, Open Houses work for you, then another blog on Open Houses, and have even done what I consider inspirational blogs like one on the movie WALL-E. However, today I have decided to try and help my fellow R