We finally have a breakdown on the new revised 1st time home buyers tax credit. A couple of key points: The tax credit is extended to purchases made before December 1st of 2009.It is still a tax credit of 10% of the purchase price of a home, up to $8000. (If you purchase a $100,000 home the li
One question that I'm asked most frequently from first time home buyers in my area (Macomb County MI) is how much money will they need out of pocket to purchase a home?As most 1st time home buyers are purchasing their homes with an FHA mortgage that is the example I will use to explain the out of
Representative Thaddeus McCotter, from Livonia MI, read aloud a letter from one of his constituents regarding what he thought of the stimulus bill that was presented. Greg from Milford MI stated in such a heartfelt and realistic way what many of us in Michigan have been feeling and Mr. McCotter m
Next Wednesday the 18th I will be hosting a blogging class in our office for approximately 30-40 real estate professionals.I have some wonderful material for them (thank you Rich Jacobson!) and have asked everyone to bringtheir laptops as I will walk them through signing up to ActiveRain. Becau
There is a movie coming out called "He's just not that into you" and while watching previews of this movie I had to laugh as it really is a great title! It brought me back to the many times I've heard other real estate professionals complain that "They chose this agent instead!" or "I did a
The single family home sales in January in Macomb County MI were much as I expected with the exception of the very large price drop in sales price. Most of this price drop I can attribute to 2 large areas of our market: The sale of foreclosures on the market and the increasing rate of home ow
I'm a bad Facebook friend.There, I've said it. (I feel as if I stood up in front of a group of people and admitted to a major character flaw)I enjoy my time on Facebook, don't get me wrong, however I can't seem to find time to do what many of you are able to manage to do: Join & participate in