In the Metro Detroit area two scenarios we are seeing on a daily basis in the real estate industry are the increase in homes on the market that are foreclosures (bank owned) and the growing popularity of FHA mortgages for home buyers. Typically many home buyers who want to purchase bank owned h
There has been much written and talked about lately about the “right time to buy”. In the Metro Detroit area we have witnessed a downturn to housing since 2002. Homes have taken longer to sell, the supply has outpaced the demand, and the prices that home sellers have been receiving for their home
I've received several nice emails over the last few days asking why my real estate blog hasn't been updated lately and I sincerely thank all of you who have written with concern.Several days this month I was blessed to be able to visit family members in Mississippi and upon returning home was wel
Warning: This post has absolutely nothing to do with real estate.It is a real life post by a real person with a real family who found a real situation amusing the other day and wanted to share it with you.This is a true life tale of one of those examples of the "differences between men and women"
Recently in Macomb County MI our Multilist service, Mirealsource™, added the capability for real estate agents to include up to 12 photos of a home that has been placed on the market for sale. also allows now for many more photos than they have in the past, as well as the other Multi
One of the areas that I have been following is how 2007 shaped up in our realestate market in comparison to 2006. I have been pleasantly surprised by what I have discovered in compiling thesenumbers for you. Macomb County actually fared very well in the housing market, andthe number of homes sol
Over the next few days I will be posting several real estate market reports, the first of whichis this comparison between sales taking place in December of 2006 and December of 2007.The following graph represents single family homes selling in Macomb County during thistime frame. One of the area
A few days ago I wrote an article about an offer that a buyer client placed on a foreclosed upon home and how quickly we received a response from the bank/owner. Karen Moorhead and I have been in contact with each over this past week, as she also has an offer in on a home and has yet to receive a
This past Friday I wrote an offer on a bank owned property for a buyer client. We got together for lunch near his workplace and I came back to my home office to fax it over to the listing agent.I had cautioned my buyer that we probably would not hear anything until at least the end of this week b