I have worked in the mortgage industry for 10 years now and have enjoyed every minute of it! I love helping the first time buyers get into their home, I love helping the newly divorced couple realize they can move on and go it separate, I love helping people lower their mortgage payment with a r
One option is to pre pay your home. But how will you do that? Will you just apply the extra $5000 toward your mortgage? If you have a mortgage of $300,000 at 6% and you paid one lump sum of $5000 to the principal you would pay your mortgage off 12 months early. You could also take the same $50
Angie Hicks created Angie's List in 1995 to help consumers find good contractors and service providers. The way it works is members submit reports when they hire a service provider or contractor with feedback. Members are asked to submit a report when a they hire anyone from Angie's List The
I have many houses that have become a home! Growing up it was my Grandma's in Forest Park Illinois. My parents were divorced and this was my dad's mom's house. Every holiday everyone was family. All the aunts, uncles, cousins, new spouses and children were welcome. My Grandma made everyone f
Ok enough is enough on these gas prices. I NEVER fill up my Yukon because it has a large tank and I think I was afraid of what I might see. I was filling up for the upcoming weekend and the pump shut off on me! $100.00
As a very long time resident of Carol Stream, I have enjoyed watching it grow. I grew up in a house in what is now one of the "old" sections of Carol Stream. I now own my home in the "newer" section. My home was a corn field when I went to the High School down the street. Carol Stream has rea
One morning the husband returns after several hoursof fishing and decides to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take theboat out. She motors out a short distance, and reads her book.Along comes a Game Warden in and stopped his boat.He pulls up alongside the woman
Drunk Driving is an issues no matter where you live. When your out for dinner and you have a couple glasses of wine, or a beer or two with your friends after work, you don't think much about it. The laws have become more strict (as I believe they should) and the consequences even more severe fo
If you are a mortgage broker or banker in the state of Illinois I URGE you to please write your representative TODAY regarding HB1478. (Commonly known as HB4050 on steroids!) It is unfair for Banks to not have to follow the same rules as what they are asking of the mortgage bankers and brokers.
As a normal part of applying for a mortgage, a lender will pull your credit in order to pre-approve you for a home loan. This simple act of pulling your credit sets off a trigger at the major credit bureaus to flag your name as a "hot" lead. The bureaus then sell your name and contact informati