Yesterday I received the following email from a Yahoo account. I was browsing the internet and ran across your ad. I'm an investor in this area (Illinois) and I have 30+ buyers who are B/C credit and I'm working with them to put them in a rent to own home. I need someone who can help my people
The 2nd installment of taxes are due for all counties in Illinois September 3, 2007. The tax bill for Cook County is not out yet, however the tax bill for all remaining counties including DuPage, Kane, Lake, Kendal etc in Illinois have been issued and should have been received by all homeowners
Today I attended a memorial service for a friend of mine, who lost his brother in law last year to cancer. Rob Mullany was an 11 year veteran of the Glendale Heights Police Department, a husband and father of 6 children. Rob was only 37 years old. Rob is a very well respected member of the co
I get alot of grief for using a signature line that says "Your Personal Mortgage Consultant for Life" from co-workers and friends. Admittedly it does seem a little cheesy. I use this signature line on everything. I have it on my email signature, my post cards, my business cards, my web site, a
Paying less interest on your mortgage is easier than you think!If you were to make every payment on your mortgage without adding any extra to the principal your loan would look like this:Loan amount $250,000.00Interest 6.5% (30 yrs)Monthly payment P/I
I've done it! I have reached the 20,000 mark (with this post). I know its not about the points but it is a GREAT feeling of accomplishment. Is there a trophy? An award? I ‘m not making any clubs yet, but it's another attainable goal. In just two short months I have become an Active Rain ad
Summerfest 2007 will be held July 11 - July 15at Camera Park, 101 E. Fullerton in Glendale HeightsSummerfest in Glendale Heights is known to many in the Western Suburbs of Chicagoas an event you dont want to miss. Every year the entertainment is great, carnival rides for the kids, a kids worksho
You will save more money when you buy a home. Purchasing a home is one of the best and biggest investments you will ever make. Real estate has always been a great investment. In the example below you will see how you can actually save money by purchasing a home.Compares renting versus buying b
Buying a new home is the biggest investment you will make. There are many misconceptions when it comes to purchasing a home. I have listed 10 things you NEED to know when buying a home. When working with a mortgage professional you should have more than one loan option to choose from. It is
Does your mortgage lender attend your closing?As I walk into the title company and ask for directions to the room the closing is happening in, I am usually asked if I am the agent or the attorney. No, I am from the mortgage company.As everyone arrives, I introduce myself, Kim Murphy, 1st Advanta