I have started and stopped this post, edited and re-edited more times than I care to admit. A subject near and dear to my heart but uncomfortable talking about at times. Within my circle of friends, family and colleagues it is not difficult to mention or talk about. But when it comes to talkin
I have never given it much thought, but when I saw the 30 second commercial contest, I wondered what my commercial would say. Its really to bad that I cant show a video each time I need to recite my profession to make an impression. Showing all the things that could happen if you follow "Mur
About 2 weeks ago a client of mine, a first time home buyer, closed on his new home. My client is a young single Chicago Police officer. I couldn't believe he was old enough to be purchasing a home, let alone a Chicago cop! I think the older I get the younger these young men and woman look. T
In May of this year I found Active Rain and found an amazing community of Real Estate Professionals at many different levels. Often I would read about sharing this community with others. I understood the idea of sharing AR with those in the Real Estate Profession but not other Mortgage Lender
I am a mother who is always warning my children (as most mothers do) about the dangers of things. Don't get in the car with a stranger, don't help find a lost pet, don't take candy from strangers, and don't let someone in the house you don't know the list goes on and on!Well, Sunday afternoon, m
In my opinion anyone who serves our country is a Hero. Illinois has created a program for these Heroes.GI Loans for Heroes is available to Veterans and Active Service Personnel GI Loan Highlights:Minimum down payment is $1,000.00. The down payment must be from the buyers personal funds. Incom
Knowing what your Mortgage Professionalis talking about is important when obtaining a mortgage. There are acronyms and words that are spoken regularly that just make you say HUH?! I remember my daughter asking me a couple of years ago what a ARM had to do with a mortgage, and why I was talking
When shopping around for a mortgage rate and program, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Just like anything else. By fault I analysis everything. When I have a client that is looking to refinance or purchase a home, with an unusual situation I will try to come up with every possi
Being in the "sales" field I learned a long time ago, treat people as you would want to be treated.I have had clients with credit that is less than stellar and worked with them as if they were clients with A+ credit. Clients facing divorce, foreclosure, bankruptcy, getting married, buying for th
About 2 weeks ago, I received a frantic call from my sister, who is out of state. She informed me that she had just received a bill from her insurance company for her yearly insurance premium. She contacted the insurance agent about the bill to inform him that she had escrowed for her taxes and