Good evening! I have studied for a few hours this evening for my exam tomorrow morning. I feel very prepared. (I went the Real Estate School for Success and was taught by Frankie Griffin. It was excellent) I can talk about agency until I'm blue in the face and I know there are 43,560 square feet
It is Sunday afternoon in Lexington, SC and my family and I will be going out on Lake Murray in an hour or so. We have just purchased a lake lot in Pintail Pointe in Gilbert, SC. We have looked at these lots for about 18 months and we finally made the offer the week I started licensing school. (D
It is Saturday, June 21st and I am 3 days away of achieving my goal of becoming a real estate agent. I can't tell you how many people have said things like "are you crazy, in this market?" or "why would you want to do that?". But I don't worry about those people at all. I am so excited and I want