So the big new recently was the FED increasing the discount rate. While the increase was not totally unexpected it comes at an interesting time. The FED is showing signs that they are worried about inflation and feel that the economy is on more solid ground. This is interesting because recently t...
There are two federal home programs that provide assistance specifically to Native Americans - the Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program and the Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program (Section 184). Each provides uniquely different opportunities. Managed by a local, authorized Public Housing Agency (PHA...
If you're plagued with clutter and need some tips on how to get it under control, you've come to the right place. Some of the most common clutter issues involve incoming mail, collections of sentimental items and seasonal decorations. Many also struggle with what to do with clutter in closets, ho...
Think of paring down the amount of junk mail coming to your mailbox as not only being a time saver, but a world saver, too. According to an article last year in Time Magazine, Americans get an average of 18 pieces of junk mail for every personal letter. The environmental cost of all this junk mai...
The 30 year rate fell from 4.97 to 4.93 this week. Overall rates have been pretty stable. In fact during all of 2010 30 year mortgage rates have stayed between 4.93 and 5.09. This is the 2nd week in a row where rates have fallen. The current rate of 4.93 is the lowest rate reached in 2010 and is ...
What does it take to become a successful real estate agent and maintain that status? With all the real estate agents in the troubled market right now, it's not surprising that new agents often don't last and brokers are finding it difficult to keep them. Although brokerages can assist new and exi...
Foreclosures in the real estate market have made it more difficult to obtain a home loan if your credit score is not up to some lenders standards. With the collapse of the sub-prime market, lenders are more diligent and strict with their lending standards. Thrown into the mix are unscrupulous len...
Are you a homeowner or renter that lives in a declared disaster area? If so, you may be eligible for a low-interest, long-term loan for losses you've sustained that are not covered entirely by your insurance. The United States Small Business Administration (SBA) provides affordable financial assi...
We keep hearing that the economy is improving and about the statistics to back up the claim. Personal incomes rose, but unemployment held steady. Consumer spending increased, but not as much as expected. The economy grew at an impressive 5.7 percent in the last quarter of 2009, but most economist...
With interest rates near all-time lows, it is tempting for many to refinance their home loans. Before you find yourself in the throes of refinancing, you'll need to determine several things. * Are payments for PMI included in your current home loan schedule? If have you paid, at least, 20 percent...