Hello from Austin, Texas

Real Estate Agent - Turner Residential
Real Estate info and misc. ramblings from an Austin, Texas Realtor / Computer Nerd.
What happens when a simple phone call to your insurance agent ends up as a claim against your insurance policy? It happened to one Austin woman. Lory Donett says she recently found herself at risk of losing her home, over this homeowners' policy snafu. Open blue sky is what Donett can see now tha...
ACL Fest is this weekend!According to the ACL Fest website a small supply of 3-day ACL Festival passes have been made available at the Festival Box Office. The box office is located on Barton Springs Road directly across the street from the festival’s main Barton Springs entrance, and the 3-day p...
Here are the midyear 2005 demographic projections for Austin: Population2005: 670,726Growth 2000-05: 2%2010: 690,438Growth 2005-10: 3% GenderMale: 52%Female: 48% Race/ethnicity*White/Caucasian: 63%Hispanic: 35%African American: 9%Asian: 5%Other race: 19%Two or more races: 3% AgeAverage age: 33.1 ...
Homes get larger as the number of occupants and the size of lots shrink.Houses built now are bigger, but they're on smaller lots. More people are living in the suburbs, but not necessarily in a house with a yard. And the typical American home these days is constructed with more bathrooms, more be...
After agreeing to list a cluster of properties for a good friend I was faced with the all too common dilemma of letting her down easy. My friend was sure her properties would net a certain amount....the realistic appraisal of her properties was (not kidding here) around 30% less than she was expe...
Austin, Texas is still one of the most undervalued cities in the United States, while also being voted one of the top 10 cities to live in America. When a house is listed here and it is priced correctly, it tends to sell very quickly. There are a few overpriced areas, mainly the "revitalization" ...
If your house sits on the market for a long time you may be less likely to get a deal that benefits you. Avoid waiting too long to make a decision: Listen to feedbackAsk your agent to poll colleagues who have shown your home. If location is the problem, you may not have any choice but to reduce y...

Scott Turner

local_phone(512) 473-9930
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Real Estate info and misc. ramblings from an Austin, Texas Realtor / Computer Nerd.