Good news Rainers!  Your blogging efforts are being recognized further!    Previously, we had a weekly cap on the blog points we'd award at 10.  Well 10 just isn't enough so we raised it to 20!  You will now receive points for any posts that qualify up to 20 in a week. The week begins Monday morn...
Ever since my nephew was young, he kept asking my sister for a dog.  She said, "OK when you're 8" fully expecting him to forget this.  Well low and behold, Bookie turned 8 and wanted his dog!  After months and months of research, Tracie decided a pug would be the best fit.   Lou is now 10 and has...
My oldest nephew Kyle, aka Bookie, is graduating high school tomorrow.  I was a senior in high school when he came into this world and the joy he's brought to my life is priceless.  Kyle has been involved with running start the past 2 years so he is actually graduating high school with an AA!  He...
Last night I got to say goodbye to my favorite player of all time.  It will be the last time I ever see him play a game live.  Love you Jeter, love everything you stand for and all you've done for the Yankees throughout your career. PS  Anybody thirsty for a Pepsi?  
Here's my older sister Tracie (aka man hands) and I on our way to our ballet recital.  This must have been circa 1981??  
One of the best things about being a member of this community, no I take that back, the best thing, is the people.  I've been here 5 years now and the love and friendship that oozes out of you all is something special.   Waking up today to learn of Maya Angelou's passing hit me hard.  There are n...
Some of my favorite childhood memories were made at my Nanny and Pop-Pop's house in Bay Shore, NY.  My mother is one of 6 children and that meant lots of cousins!!
Even my dog Henry knows who the best team in the MLB is!  GO YANKEES!!
ActiveRain Contests have been going on for years.  They promote camaraderie throughout our community, good blogging and work habits, fun as well as a great ways to share ideas. Any time of month you can find 2, 3 or 4 contests running on ActiveRain. Thanks to the lovely hosts, these contests are ...
Let's start sharing Throwback Thursday pictures, they're so much fun!  It's just like our Wordless Wednesdays but a picture from back in the day.   Here's my older sister Tracie and I waaaaayyy back.  Doesn't my sister look like she has man hands? Hahahaha

Kerrie La Guardia

Let it Rain!
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