HAVE YOU BEEN "ON THE FENCE" ABOUT SELLING YOUR HOME AND MOVING? GIVE THE TEMPLE TEAM A CALL TODAY AND GET A FREE MARKET ANALYSIS!!!Whether you are Buying a New Home or Listing your current Home for Sale ... The Temple Team is able to help you with all of your Real Estate Needs! Give us a call at
#1 ... The WaterWhether it's Lake Norman, Mountain Island Lake or Lake Wylie, you will LOVE the FUN & SUN that surrounds the lakes and all that they offer with boating, tubing, floating & sun bathing! #2 ... The Sports TeamsWhether it's the Panthers, Checkers, Hornets or Knights or all of them, t
When showing your home to prospective buyers, you want them to be able to picture themselves living in your home. So you sould "de-personalize" your home by removing family pictures, drawings that the kids may have done, just basically anything that is personal and that includes your pet and the
20 Tips for a Positive New Year 1. Stay Positive. You can listen to the cynics and doubters and believe that success is impossible or you can trust that with faith and an optimistic attitude all things are possible.2. Take a morning walk of gratitude. I call it a “Thank You Walk.” It will create
You may be thinking it's not the season for real estate, but the good news is that the few house hunters that are out there are serious buyers! So don't get discouraged by there being less activity and less foot traffic ... on the flip side it's a good thing because you know the ones out there lo
Calculate how much and how quickly you want to save Consider the price of the house you can afford and determine 20% of the value. That’s your target. Let’s say it’s $50,000. Divide that number by your time horizon. If you want to buy in five years, divide by five — you’ll need to save $10,000 p
ITEMS TO PUT IN cling WRAP BALL GAMETo create your cling wrap ball you’ll need several rolls of saran wrap (I used the red holiday variety) and prizes of various values. You might want to save money and skip buying multiple boxes of cling wrap and instead buy one of these food service size cling
Cash (at least $300)Shovel (1 or 2)Salt (to sprinkle on ice)Food (that does not require heating or refrigeration)Manual Can OpenerPaper Cups, Plates and Plastic UtensilsOne Gallon of Water Per Person & Per Pet Per Day (at least enough for five days)FlashlightsBatteriesEmergency RadioBattery Power
OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND! SATURDAYDECEMBER 8TH2:00 - 4:00 523 Dilworth Mews CourtCharlotte, NC www.TheTempleTeam.com Are you looking to buy the home of your dreams? Do you have a home to sell? The Temple Team can help you with all of your Real Estate Needs!Give us a call at 704-235-3000 and v
Here are a few tips to help when buying a home ... 1. Don't buy if you can't stay put.When purchasing a home, plan on ideally staying in that particular location at least a few years to make the move more worthwhile financially.2. Make sure your Credit is in orderPrior to your house hunting adven