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Industry Observer - The Wine Siren & Agent Caffeine
Insights to the real estate market in and around Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii...
Ever get one of these messages?  It's like being stuck in bumper to bumper traffic wondering who in the world is at the front of the line slowing things down.I'd like a word with my Administrator.  Excuse me?  Aren't I self employed?  Who sets these limits and do they have any idea how much time ...
I've spent the last several days taking a couple of big listings, racing to get chinese take out on the table and on the phone to all hours talking to clients in Germany.  It seems everytime I run into my office I have an armload of papers and I have to drop them and run.  The stacks are beginnin...
From what I read in the paper, there is a big shift going on in Congress due to this recent election, namely the power shift from Republican to Democrat.  Since I'm a headline reader and not a big believer in all things written by reporters I'm concerned that this shift could hae significant impa...
 Bye bye Ms. American Pie. Drove my Chevy to the levee and the levee was dry. may be what you are listening to on your iPod as you get your Don Mclean on.  Leaving the Continental US can be an angst ridden, snake pit in the belly of your stomach feeling, as you first venture into the unknown.  Wh...
                                                                                                                   On the island of Oahu we have a 122 miles of shoreline around our island.  Our average temperature is 85 degrees year round and our biggest insect is a cockroach. My favorite creatur...
  Think you know your computer, think again... Coming from a technology background I thought I was savvy enough to spot a virus or problems with my computer.  So three weeks ago when my computer started running slower than normal I attributed to the very high quality Music CD scans I made so my l...
  Today or actually in 2 hours Honolulu time begins Make a Difference Day around the country.   This National celebration of Neighbors Helping Neighbors is a wonderful day to make it a  a point to give back to your community.  It takes place every October on the 4th Saturday of the month.  Last y...
Well it's new to me...  An associate of mine suggested a new technique to use when showing buyers property.  I'd like to share it since I had incredible success with it today, the first time I used it.  Buyers today are so price conscious and last year when we were competing against 20 offers on ...
For those of you not in Hawaii, I'd like to share some insight to what is happening here in light of the quake.  I've heard from some people on the mainland thinking all islands had significant loss and damage.  To clarify, our damage was most significantly sustained by the Big Island.  There is ...

Kelly Mitchell Food | Wine | Fab *Napa Valley
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Insights to the real estate market in and around Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii...