Nice little video on how to get your business card picture on your flyers.
Funny video on YouTube of someone here in Jax. Wonder if he got any business?
Buy Now might be the motto for the new year with these rates dipping to 5% and holding steady. It might be the push needed to get the correction back in the market. Happy New Year!!!
Thought some on here could use this link to help understand how mortgage guys can make money without you knowing about it. Learning more about all aspects of the business is always helpful.
Anybody using Twitterfeed with their Active Rain blog????????? This is a test post to see if it post to my Twitter page. Follow me on Twitter at "keithshoe"
I found this blog post on a new subscriber to my twitter account. I always check out everyone that is following me there to see how I can use their knowlege to help with my business. Follow me on Twitter here Follow BUJAN on twitter here an
A million dollars used to mean something. Most people are still trying to acheive the dream to be millionaires one day. That does not go very far when you look at the numbers below. The congress bill of 700 billion last week already seems like old news. This FOOL.Com article has the total push
I would not want to be the agent with this listing in Atlanta. You have to watch the video on the link below, but the "home manager" was not "working" for the seller to say the least. Check it out...
For those not familiar with this name it is a software solution that allows you to make phone calls over the Internet. You can pay 30 dollars a year for Skype Out that allows you to call anyone in the world. Good investment to keep your cell phone bill down when you are making calls and you are n
This is a good read about how we got in the mess and how to get out of it. Basically there is never a "quick fix". People have used their homes for a piggy bank for too long and with the market correction its making American savings rates problems noticed. Everyone needs to start pulling on a