Search your database for past clients who fall under this catetory--Deed In Lieu or Short Sale--because it just became easier to be approved for another loan. Fannie never had an official policy about how they would treat people who had a short sale or a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure in their past....
Fannie never had an official policy about how they would treat people who had a short sale or a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure in their past. Well, Fannie's SEL 2010-05 spells it out for you. If a person gave back their home to the lender, prior to it going thru the long foreclosure process, Fanni...
How do I know if it's a Condo? Because of the recent changes to the condominium approval/review processes it is absolutely imperative that you understand what type of property you are dealing with BEFORE you move forward with listing or selling a property. Condominiums present financing challeng...
" Military & Certain Federal Employees Get Home Buyer Tax Credits Until 2011" A little-known provision of the Home Buyer Tax Credit bill that became effective on Nov 6, 2009, is that certain military personnel and foreign service employees have an EXTRA year to purchase a home and qualify for th...
Check out this audio recording and the written transcript. 2nd lien holders are holding real estate agents "hostage" and it's happening all the time. We need to let everyone know that this practice is illegal (on the part of the lender) to even suggest an "oustide the Hud" option. Suggest that...
How to Explain the First-Time Home Buyer Payment Buster Concept! The ads read something like this: "$8000 Tax Credit for First Time Home Buyers" or "First Time Home uyers: Get $8000 For Buying a Home Before April 30, 2010". Same old, same old! Do you think it would make a difference if you m...
Loan officers are still calling themselves a "Mortgage Counselor" (or some variation of it). As of October 1, 2009, if you work for a "For Profit" company, that specific term is prohibited in the RegZ Section 226 Rules. Read the 7 Prohibited Practices! Title: 7 Prohibited Practices- Reg Z - ...
Like most government legislation, the Nov 6, 2009 homebuyer tax credit extension created more questions than answers. However, according to Doug Geissler, CPA, the IRS is literally writing the "refund rules" as they go along. Unbeknown to homebuyers, real estate agents and the mortgage industry...
The IRS gets the final say when it comes to who gets to claim the homebuyer tax credit, who does not, and under what circumstances? They have made a feeble attempt to update some of the FAQs posted on their website,,id=206291,00.html but if it's anything li...
Wow, I just recorded an seminar (to be posted on on November 20, 2008) on the topic of Rural Developme Guaranteed Housing! I had been in the mortgage business for 28 years and had not heard of it until my daughter applied for one, low interest rates, 102% financing a...