Karl Menzer's (karlmenzer) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - karlmenzer.com
   Stocks have tumbled as oil passed the 124 mark. The bond  has rallied and is now up over 39 Bp for the day and rates have improved and we are looking at 5.875% on a 30 yr FHA and 5.75% on the 15 yr.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008A bi-partisan plan to relax the standards for FHA is meeting resistance from the top if the food chain, with Bush threatening to Veto the action saying it won't help.  Neither did the FHA secure plan, but that didn't stop anyone from signing off on it.  Let's face it; the m...
Tuesday, May 06, 2008Without much economic news out, investors will be looking to earnings and oil to setting the tone for the week. And what a tone set today. Fannie Mae posted a mild $2.3 BILLON loss for the first quarter.... Not the year, just the first quarter. Sighting the weak mortgage mark...
I get a number of calls from investors lately asking to re-finance their construction loan into a permanent loan. They have the home on the MLS, and got the construction with whatever loan was out there at the time, what to do now. If we can take them through a loan (good scores and full document...
THE JOB MARKET  With all the recent layoffs announced and jobless claims coming in either at or above what was expected, unemployment actually dropped last month. It wasn't big, only a .2% drop, but we are in the market where not so bad news is good news. The biggest hit to the market is still co...
Monday, May 05, 2008Oil futures passed $120 a barrel today.  This will put a damper on both the bond and Dow. In other news, the service sector (ISM) beat analysts' expectations and for the first time in months made it above the 50 mark to 52. Remember, anything below 50 shows that the market is ...
Friday, May 02, 2008What a day for a daydream.... That is what this morning seemed like. After unemployment came out LOWER than expected, the bond tanked over 100 points. Then payrolls and factory orders improved more than expected and it looked like the bond would have a freefall down today as e...
Thursday, May 01, 2008Unemployment went up 40,000 more than expected today. Tack on to that companies are expecting to layoff an additional 90,015 in the coming months, and you have numbers pointing to a higher unemployment which is expected to edge up past 5.2% tomorrow. The consumer spending  d...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008"Economic activity remains weak". Really Fed Chairman? I Mean Really? Today's .25% rate cut came as no surprise to the market today. Most of the comments about the risk of inflation and lack of a robust economy didn't either.  The good news is that both the DOW and the bo...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008We broke 2 records today. The S&P/ Case Shiller index dropped the most ever. This report talks about the rate of housing value which dropped 12.7% in February. Consumer confidence also came out today. Although the number beat estimates by .3% the number of people who believ...

Karl Menzer

Tooele Utah Real Estate Lender
local_phone(435) 849-0212
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