Ok Washingtonians, I challenge you to click on the link above http://www.itsapriority.com/. This will take you to information about the Washington Association of Realtors Legislative Priorities for 2007.Two Thousand Realtors stormed the Capital building today 1-17-07 to meet with our local legisl
This excerpt taken from the NWREporter February 2007 will give you a picture of the healthy workforce and economy that Washington is currently ejoying. This means we need more affordable housing in our local areas so that people can live in the towns in which they work thus stopping congestion o
I will be in Olympia, Washington, our Capital on Wednesday, January 17, along with 2000+ other Realtors from Washington State participating in our Legislative Day activities. This "Hill Day" tradition gives us the opportunity to visit our State Legislators and discuss bills we would like propos
The Education Week Quality Counts survey ranks Washington's public school education 4Th for 'K-12 Achievement' with a score of 14. Scores ranged from a high of 22 for Virginia to a low of -23 for New Mexico.The survey also ranks each state in a 'Chance for Success' category. Washington came in 22
Self.com has released it's 2006 survey ranking the nation's 100 healthiest metro areas for women. This year the Seattle-Bellevue-Everett, WA metropolitan area has ranked 18 out of the top 100.Our local area scored high points for healthy eating habits, the amount of park space available and is am
David Lereah, National Association of Realtors chief economist, said a fairly steady pace of home sales can be expected for the next two months. "It's important to focus on where the housing market is now - it appears to be stabilizing, and comparisons with an unsustainable boom mask the fact tha
As President of the Snohomish County Camano Association of Realtors, I'll be in Olympia, WA, the State Capital, on Wednesday, January 17. This is Washington REALTORS®' Legislative Day, when hundreds of REALTORS® will converge on the Capitol grounds in Olympia to discuss ways to improve housing o
Everett, WA, 25 miles North of Seattle, originally an old mill town, is now an "All American City" with over 97,500 residents. Everett has sister city relationships with Sovetskaya Gavan, Russia; Iwakumi, Japan; and Kligo, Ireland.Everett is the sixth largest city in the State of Washington and i
Which one are you? I just attended a Leadership Workshop for the Board of Realtos presented by Jim Manke, CAE. Jim was a dynamic presenter and I'd like to share some of his thoughts on leadership with you.~~~Leading is Not Managing~~~Leaders have Clear Vision~~~Leaders have Courage~~~Leaders are
I was showing properties to an investor the other day. It's interesting the response, or lack thereof, I tried to get from listing agents trying to get information we need to put together an offer.We visited a condo conversion site - no agent on site there. I called the listing agents, both of th