One of my friends on G+, Annie Maloney, posted this Realty Times article, about why some agents fail and others do not "in today's economy." The main point the author of the article made was that agents who fail, do so because they are in the grip of fear. I respectfully disagree. Some failure I
Regarding the article I've linked below: So true!! Many home buyers in the Lake Wallenpaupack region tend to look "outside their range" thinking that "in this market" they can beat the sellers up enough to come down to where they can afford it. While you may run across a seller who is both des
I recently read this thought-provoking post by Tammie White regarding the use of wide angle photography in lisitng photos. Apparantly, some feel that the use of wide angle photography is an ethical violation, because it makes rooms appear larger than they are. (Tammie does not feel that way; she
What Should I Write About in My Real Estate Blog? Real estate agents, new to blogging, are often paralyzed by the unknown. They don't know what to write about. Even experienced real estate bloggers may face a block wall - writer's block that is. There are about as many opinions on what to publ
Note: this was previously posted on my main Lake Wallenpaupack real estate blog. As I scan the Hot Sheet (the newest listings from the Pike / Wayne MLS), I often roll my eyes at the remarks attached to homes for sale in the Lake Wallenpaupack region. "Seller says sell!" (Really? Why else would t
Fuel conveyance occasionally comes up during the negotiation of a home sale. Recently, the article Whose Wood Pile Is It? authored by real estate Attorney Jim Goldsmith, caught my eye. Wood fuel is used as the example for this article, but it applies to propane & oil used for heating the home or
Here is a handy tool that some of my readers may find useful if they are thinking about retiring and relocating elsewhere. Thanks Gita Bantwal for posting it!The decline in real estate prices in recent years has caused Seniors to rethink their plans to downsize. They may not receive as much money
When selling your home, you do not need to spend a lot of money to make your home appealing to buyers. Many times it is as simple as GETTING RID of clutter and doing something simple like this: a new bed spread and a few accessories. I have a feeling though, that simply eliminating the clutter
Sometimes the phone doesn't ring when you are the "agent on the floor." Happens to me all the time. I shake my head in wonder at the randomness of upcalls...yesterday as I sat at my desk working on some projects, the person who was the "on call" agent got several calls, and one was from a millio
Excellent resource for someone who is just starting out with blogging. Blogging is what launched my career more than any other business building activity. It really works, if you learn how to blog for business and do it faithfully.New To Blogging? There Are Resources To Help! So you found Acti