Fresh is Better!! I am working with first time home-buyers and they are so excited about purchasing their first home. We have been out looking the past three Saturdays and they have narrowed it down to this one community which is new construc...
Who to call for any type of skin eruption in Charlotte, NC ?? Today I had to take my mother in to see her dermatologist. My mother goes to Dr. Elizabeth Grattan M.D. Dr. Elizabeth Grattan M.D. is an excellent physician and she has a very caring way with each of her patients. She took tim...
Join Jim Brickman on "The Love Tour" in Charlotte, NC at The Knight Theater. Here is one of Jim Brickman's songs ... Beautiful Jim Brickman is to perform this Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 7:30pm. It should be a great concert if you enjoy beautiful piano music as well as beautiful love so...
Our Pets Make Our House a Home!! Today I had a long but very productive day. I met buyer clients at 11 am and did not leave them until 6:30 pm. This has been my third day out with these buyers and I think the house has been found. The final decision will be made by Monday. After leaving these ...
Holiday Schedule / Calendar for Union County Public Schools in NC I have been working with a lot of families relocating to Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas. One of the many questions was focused on schools. Today I was working with a family and they were asking specific questions about t...
Pay it Forward ... In Memory of Giant George in Charlotte, NC This Sunday (11/17/2013) from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm the rescue group ... Great Dane Friends of Ruff Love will be doing a meet and greet and are asking people to stop by and say hello as well as contribute to their great cause in...
Surprise ... Surprise ... First Snow of The Season in Charlotte, NC I just came in from outside with our dogs and we received a big surprise. It is snowing and the wind is really blowing. It looks like winter to me. The other day I went to Lowe's and purchased a snow shovel and three bags of ...
This Christmas Cactus is really a Thanksgiving Cactus!! I have been seeing many buds coming out on our so called Christmas Cactus and this week is has really begun to bloom. I did a little research tonight and discovered a few interesting points about this cactus. " It actually inhabits the tre...
Being Grateful/ Day 10 / Enjoying the Colors of Fall with 70 Degree Weather. Today was a beautiful day here in Charlotte, NC. It was sunny and a beautiful 70 degrees for the beginning ... no, almost middle of November. I feel so grateful to enjoy days like these. I was outside and had taken a w...
Knock Me Out / The Smell of Curry in Charlotte, NC Tips for Sellers Today I was busy working with buyers and as I unlocked a house and we stepped inside we were almost knocked out by the smell of curry. No matter what room we entered the odor was there. It was definitely over-whelming and we...