Jeffrey Richman's Blog

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This is to help get your brain thinking!  See if you can come up with the answer.  If you do, great!  If not, it will help you to really think about what you are reading.Answer for Saturday:I can be stolen or given away, but you’ll live without me. Yet if you truly lose me forever, you might lose...
This is to help get your brain thinking!  See if you can come up with the answer.  If you do, great!  If not, it will help you to really think about what you are reading.Answer for Friday:How can you make the number one disappear by adding to it?Answer: Add a “G” in front of it to make “Gone.”Bra...
This is to help get your brain thinking!  See if you can come up with the answer.  If you do, great!  If not, it will help you to really think about what you are reading.Answer for Thursday:I can be cracked, made, told, and changed. What am I?Answer: A CodeBrain Buster for Friday, Jan 30How can y...
This is to help get your brain thinking!  See if you can come up with the answer.  If you do, great!  If not, it will help you to really think about what you are reading.Answer for Wednesday:You throw away the outside, cook the inside, then eat the outside and throw away the inside. What is it?An...
This is to help get your brain thinking!  See if you can come up with the answer.  If you do, great!  If not, it will help you to really think about what you are reading.Answer for Tuesday:I go in dry and come out wet. The longer I’m in, the stronger I get. What am I?Answer: A TeabagBrain Buster ...
This is to help get your brain thinking!  See if you can come up with the answer.  If you do, great!  If not, it will help you to really think about what you are reading.Answer for Monday:I’m a building with the most stories. What am I?Answer: A LibraryBrain Buster for Tuesday, Jan 28I go in dry ...
This is to help get your brain thinking!  See if you can come up with the answer.  If you do, great!  If not, it will help you to really think about what you are reading. Answer for Sunday: Which is heavier: a pound of feathers or a pound of gold? Answer: They weigh the same (a pound is a pound)...
This is to help get your brain thinking!  See if you can come up with the answer.  If you do, great!  If not, it will help you to really think about what you are reading.Answer for Saturday:I can bring tears to your eyes, resurrect the dead, make you smile, and reverse time. What am I?Answer: A M...
This is to help get your brain thinking!  See if you can come up with the answer.  If you do, great!  If not, it will help you to really think about what you are reading.Answer for Friday:They come at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen. What are they?Answer: S...
This is to help get your brain thinking!  See if you can come up with the answer.  If you do, great!  If not, it will help you to really think about what you are reading.Answer for Thursday:I have many keys but usually only one ring. I’m essential for security but often overlooked. What am I?Answ...

Jeffrey Richman

Creative Real Estate Specialist
local_phone(800) 219-3898
smartphone(954) 295-0055
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