Jeffrey Richman's Blog

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I spent a part of yesterday regrouping and planning some additional things to be done for February.  I am looking at starting some of those things today.  As they say, there is no time like the present. "If and When were planted, and Nothing grew."      ~ Proverb
Wow, it's the end of the first month of the new year and I find that I am nowhere near where I want to be. Yes, I know that "life gets in the way" at time, which is what happened to me, however, I am far off of track of where I expected to be. I am going to spend part of my day today regrouping m...
  There are so many things to get done.  Listing them out helps, but just like anything else, you have to go after them a little at a time.     "Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America.  If I'm not there, I go to work."      ~ Richard Orben  
Since yesterday I was a sick day for the first half of the day, (I hate those! Who doesn't?) I thought I would get the post I would have done yesterday, today. "Life itself is not something we need to understand.  It is simpluy an experience to be enjoyed with no other purpose than that."      ~ ...
The first month of the new year is almost over.  Have you been able to stay on course for what you have planned for yourself and your business? If not, take some time today and do a little introspection.  You may not like what you find out, maybe you do - however, doing this can have great benefi...
I'm continuing to lay groundwork for next month being a good month, while still keeping this month going. Because of the time that I'm putting in so that the next months will be good, this month is not as good as it could be, but sometimes it's necessary to give up a little now so that you can ha...
  The month of January seems to be going by very fast and I've been laying down some great groundwork so that February will be good. Have you been working on your business to keep momentum happening?  Or is life getting in the way and slowing you down? Even if you work on your business a little e...
Coming off of a 3 day week, you'd think "Wow, 3 days, I'm feeling pretty good and rested."  Many of you were able to take the family and go somewhere. Not I.  On both, Saturday and Sunday I was up at 5 am so that I could help get my 7 year old ready and then take her to a 2 day cheerleading compe...
Somedays it is so easy to wake up and not really want to do anything.  There seems so much to do that you want to shut down. This is the time when you really have to dig deep and make things happen.  Today, for me is one of those days.  I'm going to dig deep and do everything I can to accomplish ...
Today is a day where I will have two parts.  The first is to get things accomplished and moving forward on my business and the second is some clean up that's needed so that I can keep moving forward. I am excited that I have a specialized training on Monday for all the people that have come on bo...

Jeffrey Richman

Creative Real Estate Specialist
local_phone(800) 219-3898
smartphone(954) 295-0055
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