WE ALL REMEMBER 9/11 IN OUR OWN WAY. I REMEMBER RICK RESCORLA. I have been thinking about writing this post for a while now. And I know we all knew where we were when we heard about the attacks. And wondered if we had friends or relatives in the planes or in the targets. Later we wondered what to...
Lee and Pamela experimented with Dragon Dictation on their iPad. That encourages me to get Dragon out of the closet in my office and actually install it on my computer, since it should work even better on a regular PC, and, oh yeah, did I mention I can't type! More to come.I experimented with Dra...
Lou has it right. In virtually any field of endeavor, if you don't change, you will pretty much get run over by the competition. As the great Satchel Paige used to say "Don't look back, something may be gaining on you". he recognized the need to stay in front of the competition. Motivational Po...
Marte really knows her stuff. After all, she writes for a living. I am re blogging this so she'll get some more exposure for her new book, which I already purchased and put it on my desktop. AR members get a deal!A couple of weeks ago I promised that this ebook on real estate promotion would get ...
Robert is our resident Active Rain expert on all things security. I subscribe to his blog and I thought I'd check out what he wrote today. Another winning post. As usual. Anyone at all interested in anything and everything related to security should subscribe to his blog. You'll be glad you did! ...
Glenn has made and posted a really great video. It is scientific, full of just the right facts, and gets right to the point. Especially the part at the end that describes how this agent has agreed to show this perceptive buyer how to look at a lot of houses. Be sure you watch the entire video. Yo...
Doug Jones' post needs to be put up as much as possible. The more people see this, the more the lesson may reach someone who can actually start to fix this mess. The banks, at the top, are run by manipulative, devious, white collar criminals, who are personally raking in millions for themselves, ...
Great post. I have never seen a more complete explanation of how to work on such an infernal device. I thought when they broke, and that's often, all you could do was shoot them. That may just apply to Arizona. Great text, and great pictures to illustrate the fix. Thanks. Ice maker components can...
Steve has written a post on an interesting subject. People in California are trying to get a measure on the ballot that will essentially stop foreclosures. Here's my question. If that were to pass, why would any "entity" ever loan another dime for Californians to buy a house. If the issue states ...
Margaret still makes her own appointments. Until I read her post, I didn't get it. Who doesn't give personal service and make their own appointments?No one has ever made my appointments for me. What was I thinking? Plenty of the big "groups", that's who. With the robot showings feature. And four ...