“I’m not sure there is a better real-estate agent than Jon Mahoney. He has handled my transactions with extreme professionalism and was always looking out for my best interest, every step of the way. I have used him on multiple occasions and there is no such thing as mission impossible in regards...
Homeowners facing foreclosure seem to be desperate to buy again. Frequently, I receive letters from someone who hasn’t yet lost their home to foreclosure but anticipates they soon will, and wants to be able to get back into the market, quick-like. Many claim their haste is because they don’t want...
In Freddie Mac’s results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey®, the average fixed mortgage rates remained largely unchanged and near their record lows helping to keep housing affordability high for those borrowers who are in the market. The 30-year fixed dipped to 3.99 percent, and at 3.27 perce...
It’s billed as the American Dream and yet for some it’s been an all-time American nightmare. Still “the home is central to American life” writes the National Association of Homebuilders in its report titled: Homeownership Works, released earlier this year. Of course the report aims to show how ho...
If you’re thinking of selling your home, and you expect that the total amount you owe on your mortgage will be greater than the selling price of your home, you may be facing a short sale. A short sale is one where the net proceeds from the sale won’t cover your total mortgage obligation and closi...
As spring rolls in, many people start listing their home for sale. The weather warms up and buyers, having recovered from the holidays, begin to house hunt.Many buyers will go it alone. They hit the Internet for their first line of attack in house hunting. They peruse magazines and open houses. B...
Typically when investors consider purchasing an investment property, they inspect the property as part of their due diligence and also review the proforma income and expense reports provided by the seller. In addition, the investors review the rental income and expenses to make a decision accordi...
There are many reasons for the tremendous growth of wineries in Santa Barbara county. Currently there are almost two hundred wineries, vineyards and tasting rooms in the county and the number grows each month. Riviera Tours Riviera ToursWebsite: www.riviera-tours.comEmail:
How to buy a home after a short sale……can it really be done?The answer is yes (and it depends). The short answer (pun intended) is that you CAN buy after a short sale. However, if you missed payments prior to the short sale you are out of luck. It seems that the short sale itself isn’t the end of...
In this economy, sellers of residential real estate face a variety of challenges. For sellers of distressed homes, these issues have added importance: options may be less visible, competent and reputable professionals who can help are fewer, opportunities begin to dwindle, and an exit plan – a me...