It would have been easy to continue to remain "locked" into my own little world if....IF, I did not recognize that there are people in the Staging industry who are willing to share. I first Michelle Finnamore at an industry conference, there was an immediate connection and we communicated by em...
It would be easy if.....IF, before we hit the stage or podium, we were comfortable and confident. Speaking in public is one of the most feared things we are asked to do...But, if you are prepared it will be less daunting; because, at sometime in your life and or career it will be necessary for ...
It would have been and easy sale if...IF some care and attention had been put into preparing this particular home for sale before it was placed on the market. There was quickness in their steps and a look of excitement on the faces of the prospective buyers as they walked towards the front door. ...
It would be easy if..IF, you were always conscious of what your body language was saying about you. Being conscious of your body language will help you appear more professional and in control. You will find that people are more receptive to you if you project confidence though your body language...
Do you know someone who has a story, a story that they tell over and over. No matter when you see them, they have the same refrain and your reaction is always the same - "boring, enough already, when will you snap out of the hole you have dug yourself into?" But of course you are too polite to sa...
Yes, we all have secrets, some we can afford to make public, but some others should be kept under wraps. When selling your property you should ensure that none of your personal and private items are left out for prospective buyers to view. Sure, your stager would have advised or helped you to...
Sometimes we get so caught up in making our homes attractive that we forget the safety factors that are just as, or, even more important. •1. Smoke detectors - they are mandatory, but how often are they actually tested to ensure that they are in working order? Are you aware that for your...
Staging is almost a household word, but, what does it really mean or entail? Thanks to HGTV and all the various shows that focus on staging, this service has become much more widespread, yet there are very many homeowners, potential buyers, sellers and Realtors® who do not fully understand what s...
That's all the time you have to impress a prospective buyer, therefore, you should make sure that you do not waste those precious minutes. In tough economic times the normal reaction is to hold on to your hard earned cash, of course this is the correct procedure when dealing with non-essential i...
Normally I smile a lot and I laugh a lot, in the last 10 years the message on my answering machine has always ended with some version of a smile, for example, one message said, What a great smile you have. While another said, I can see you smile. People would call just to hear my message and...