This is a great list of items to prepare for or at the very least to be aware of when your home is going to be appraised. Keep in mind that the more items you can address before the appraisal, the more likely you are to get the appraisal you are looking for.How To Prepare for a Home Appraisal You
A great article from Bill Gassett about maximizing profit when it comes time to sell your home. It almost always comes down to price and getting the right price the first time around makes all the difference.Original article Source: Top Home Selling Tips After being in the Real Estate business fo
Considering a Short Sale? When looking at your options to sell a home that is worth less than what it is worth, a Short Sale will inevitably come up in the conversation. Some of your other options to sell your underwater home are; 1. Pay the difference; If the amount between what you owe and what
You are packing up to move and you cant decide what to do with couch you don't want and really don't want to move? Leave there as staging! This and more great tips about what to do when your moving out from; Myrl Jeffcoat Sacramento, CA Thanks Myrl! Without a doubt, this housing cycle more th
Here is some great advice about building a new fence or replacing an existing one. You always want to make sure that fence your building is done correctly. Thanks to Dan Edward Phillips, Realtor and Broker/Owner Eureka, CA For the great advice.If a new property fence or replacement of an existing
Make 2012 Your best Year Yet! We hear this all the time, make this year your best year yet. We hear it so often that we don't really listen to it, it is just a saying. It carries no more weight than a new years resolution that we brake within the first 48 hours. So why the heck do we keep saying
I think we can all take a lesson from this post. No matter what business your in you can always work to perfect your business or your craft. Cheers to a great and abundant 2012! Thanks to Christine Bohn, Gainesville, FL Residential Realtor® Gainesville, FLAs a child we have dreams of the future,
I love this blog, if you havent already broken your new years resolutions read this and get it done! Thanks to Scott Hayes Austin Real Estate Agency Austin, Texas Austin, TX for the great blog.It's January 2, 2012, and chances are, you're already on your way to quiting your new years resolutions.
Does you're agent have all of these qualities? Shouldn't they? Great post from; Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn, Author of Sell with Soul Pensacola Beach, FL Thanks Jenn!Before Christmas I posted a blog about a show we did in the SWS Virtual Studio called "Are You the Best Real Estate Agent You Know?" In
For all of you out there that are DIY's this one is for you. Great post from; Jay Markanich - Northern VA Home Inspector Bristow, VA Thanks Jay!It's time for a post about retaining wall installation - best practice. Retaining walls are something that home inspectors see frequently. And just as