The Real Estate Tomato

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The Real Estate Tomato is a destination for real estate news, emarketing, internet insight, services and products. Our mission is to provide Realtors with the news, knowledge, service and technology to make them more successful.
The growth of Real Estate Blogging, although steady and noticeable, still has not lived up to the hype, and it never will.  That’s not to say that it is being rejected as a competent means to the end: as an effective lead generation tool.  In fact, we’re finding that blogging is not only keeping ...
When I started the Real Estate Tomato, in June of 2006, I had one reader, me. Before the first month was over, I was averaging 30 unique visitors a day.Within 2 months it was 135 unique visitors a day. How did we get out of the gates so quickly? We did it in part, with an old friend: The Email D...
The above might seem like an odd statement, but it couldn’t be more true. Let me use some examples of other industries to illustrate the point. The Music Industry The business is content creation; melodies, lyrics, videos, live presentations, etc.The product comes in the form of CD’s, DVD’s, dow...
(Originally posted on the RET Monday the 25th)Here we are with our fourth article in a series of interviews that we've conducted with a handful of our Tomato Blogger Clients. Our mission throughout these interviews is to learn how the efforts of our blogging clients have made significant, and pos...
Because the clients we work with have such a positive experience with their blogging, they commonly express the concern that they would prefer us to not educate others in their geographic areas of focus.  Sometimes they ask in jest, other times they are actually dead serious and willing to pay f...
No one is denying that there has been a shake-up in the real estate industry.Empty cubicles, where there once was a waiting list, tell the story better than I could. A thinning of the herd is always a positive thing for those staying put, but the bottom line is that there will always be more agen...
This article is the third in a series of interviews that we've conducted with a handful of our Tomato Blogger Clients. The theme throughout these interviews is to learn how their blogging efforts have made huge differences in their real estate career. Today, allow me to introduce Mary DeLuca. Ma...
Last year I wrote a post called 96% of All Real Estate Blogs Will Fail. It has become more and more clear that I failed to mention another clear reason why real estate bloggers are bound to abandon their blogging efforts. S.E.O.Search Engine Optimization Realtors help buyers buy property.Realtor...
Blogs are meant to be a two-way street. We are blogging for an audience. Engaging that audience to participate is a huge part of the the motivation and an element that can define a blog’s success. So where do you draw the line? What do you consider acceptable behavior by the audience, on your re...
Because of the global exposure Teresa Boardman receives, and the fact that she is a regular contributor here, I am regularly asked how she is able to continually keep up the vigorous posting pace on her real estate blog. I can’t speak for her, but I can say that the article she just sent over gi...

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