A cameo appearance by one of the more active mortgage industry bloggers, Dan Green was a must after reading an email he sent regarding the online showcase of his home for sale. Dan may not be a Realtor, but his savvy to leverage the Internet as the prime marketing medium for his own home is outs
Recently Global Research Center published findings that 68% of real estate agents are going to be focusing on blogging as a marketing tool in 2007. I find that number hard to believe. In essence that stat is claiming that there will be the emergence of more than one million real estate blogs l
(Bear with me.) The avant-garde trend of Blogging Evangelism in real estate blogs has ironically turned quite blase in their ubiquity. What?Let me try that again. It seems that the giving of advice, and the posture of expert, has become so fashionable that it’s impact is lost. What?Let me try
I didn't coin it (Burke Smith did), but I love to use it:Technology won't replace agents; agents with technology will replace agents.There's a ton of talk about the next generation of Realtors and their unique approach to the business. The most common theme is that their use of technology and e
These days introductions are hardly needed for Teresa Boardman here in the Real Estate Blogosphere. She’s sassy, honest, insightful and clear. We love her contribution, calling it as she sees it each week. This week the real estate blogging goddess knows it’s not her face that has you recogniz
The following article is a piece submitted by a (self-proclaimed) dedicated reader of the Real Estate Tomato, Sacramento area Realtor, John Lockwood. I expect this piece to generate some discussion, so don’t let me down. And now, John’s piece:7 Myths About Real Estate Blogging I've been thinking
Today, Roberta Murphy makes a bloody splash on debut at Real Estate Tomato If Move.com Were To Murder HouseValues.comHere's How I Think It Should Happen…. I don't think Move.com has a murderous eye on HouseValues, but perhaps it should. If Move.com wants to meet its ambitious goals, it must. Hous
Our regular readers and seasoned real estate blogosphere readers all know Teresa Boardman. Recently she has gained some broader exposure in national publications as an example of a locally focused real estate blogger that is firstly generating business from her efforts and secondly gaining resp
Your Blog Is An Army Any blog, not just a real estate blog, has the beautiful distinction that it is comprised of many separate entities represented by each published post. The blog, when organized properly, is the ultimate content management system and SEO tool all wrapped into one. It is tru
Blogger burnout is the feeling that blogging is no longer worth the effort. Taking the time to develop unique content for a blogsite no longer outweighs the perceived pain of the effort. Burnout comes from one of three reasons: The blog is not successful enough of a marketing effort, the blog i