San Francisco had amazing weather this past weekend. And I had company in town. So while we were out visiting the Exploratorium, I split off from the group for a few minutes and grabbed a little footage of the Palace of Fine Arts in the Marina neighborhood. I hope you enjoy! While I was research...
Price per square foot of real estate in San Francisco. Is it a valid metric when pricing real estate? This is a topic that inspires heated discussion, debate, and feelings, so let's keep it friendly and respectful in the comments. Below is my opinion on price per square foot in San Francisco, b...
How did real estate values do in 2009 vs 2010 for San Francisco's district 1? Before I go on, I’ll explain that district 1 in San Francisco is made up of the following neighborhoods: Inner Richmond, Outer Richmond, Central Richmond, Jordan Park/Laurel Heights, Lake Street, Sea Cliff and Lone Mou...
Everything old is new again. Just like last week! Thus begins this week’s edition of the most expensive and least expensive home in San Francisco. While last week our least expensive home was a retread, this week it happens to be the most expensive home, which seems to prove that the strategy of...
A guest post from Tracy Andreini of Opes Advisors about San Francisco mortgage rate expectations: It’s a question we very often hear – “What’s happening to mortgage rates?” Our clients ask us and we ask each other in our office all the time. We devour as much economic news and material as possib...
Discretionary Review is a San Francisco process in which your neighbors can decide how you will or will not remodel your house. I know that sounds a little bit harsh, but CW Nevius of the SF Chronicle has a great article today about how horrible the discretionary review process in San Francisco ...
When I was learning about architectural styles in San Francisco, I was taught that there are three styles of Victorian homes: Eastlake, Italianate,and Queen Anne. I was also taught that homes are called Victorian based upon their construction date, and that to be a Victorian home it must have bee...
Ah, my glorious San Francisco. Home to the metrosexual, the homosexual, and even the heterosexual! But regardless of your orientation, it appears we all agree on one thing: the value of personal care. That’s right, San Francisco has moved up in the rankings for most vain city in America. Last ye...
The MLS in San Francisco is the primary vehicle for getting the word out about your listing. Which is why it always astounds me when people are careless or do a poor job in presenting their property. Some homes are fixers, and that’s okay. There is much to be said for presenting a property as it...
The Real Estate Times San Francisco is a local magazine advertisement that, in exchange for a hefty sum of coin, features real estate listings for sale in full-color glossy glory. When I started in the business, back in the dark ages of 2002, it was “the” place to have your listing advertised, e...