Via the premier San Francisco real estate team, a great video about the North Waterfront Neighborhood in San Francisco, CA.
The JacksonFuller San Francisco Real Estate team has a great overview and discussion about last night's election results for the city/county of San Francisco. Some were real estate specific, like prop N (increase transfer tax) and prop A (earthquake retrofit bonds). Others weren’t directly about ...
What to do if your San Francisco dream home isn't so dreamy? Well, if you live at a former "dream home" in San Francisco, the answer is to remodel it! Once nothing more than a modest green shack usually filled with drunken (but friendly) Irish workers, 1240 5th Ave. was rebuilt in 2008/2009 with ...
Listing price is not a good metric to use when measuring affordability. Coldwell Banker recently released a study of the most expensive and least expensive housing markets in the United States, using the listing price of a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom property as their metric, which I think is an absolu...
If you are interested in learning more about condos at One Hawthorne in San Francisco, then I encourage you to click on the link you just read past and discover all about this brand new high rise condo building in San Francisco, CA. Described in their marketing as offering “hand-selected material...