Not even taking into consideration all the marketing an agent does to attract showings and potential buyers to our listings, but considering managing offers to contracts, then inspections, delivery, repairs, contingencies, financing , research, open houses, going to county to verify health dept r...
Whether you're buying land or selling land, you need to either have a working understanding of flucuating land values, or you need to have an agent that understands what goes into determining current land values. Even apparaisers can't keep up with all the different areas. This last appriaser was...
You're a buyer planning on buying 5-10 acres of land and building in Loudoun, or maybe buying an existing home on 5.5 acres or more in Western Loudoun VA. You do your research checking on zoning,soil, flood plains, BRL's, max bulding heights, access, easements, mountain overlay districts, limesto...
I've been hearing stories for that last few months of how banks are trying to recruit loan officers and entire teams away from BOA? Supposedly, BOA loan officers have had their hands tied with misc restrictions and have not been able to keep customers in their pipeline. Just in the last week I've...
If you happen to be in the Leesburg VA area Saturday July 28th, we're in the process of decluttering my MIL's house at 10 Memorial Dr. She's 92 and in Sunrise Assisted Living in Leesburg, and we need to find a new home for many of her antiques, furniture, and belongings that she accumulated over...
Haymarket VA has been steadily growing since 66 was built, but when Disney announced plans to build in Haymarket VA, a lot of attention ( both good and bad) was focused on Haymarket VA. Disney's plans never materialized, but that didn't stop Haymarket from growing. Today, there is still a massive...
Well, I guess after the deer stopped by to eat our tomato plants, string bean plants, squash plants, flowers, etc, they must have given our vegeatation a good review when they got back into the woods out back. In Lovettsville, you just never know what animal you're going to run into next. Deer ar...
07/26/2012 If you bought a house built between 2001 and 2009, there is a possiblity that you have Chinese Drywall. It has been found in 43 States and Washington DC and can be a health hazard and slowly destroying your home. The above link from the CDC will provide m...
Reportedly, 80% of violations are for (1) Article 1 " Failure to disclose dual representation and obtain written informed consent from both parties" $500.00 fine under NVAR's citation system. (2) Article 3 " Failure to disclose existence of a dual or variable rate commission. $400.00 fine under N...
I just completed another 16 hours of CE this past Saturday at NVAR in Fairfax VA. Actually, I had already renewed my license, but had already paid for these courses, so went ahead and took them. I always learn more in live classes than I do taking classes by mail from places like Mosely Flint. Bu...